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Hardware / Re: PSU Goo / adhesives
« Last post by aBc on May 18, 2024, 11:55:06 AM »
Thanks @robespierre. Seems that now we’re getting closer to what might actually be deemed a “Proper” solution for this specific task / application.

After reviewing more info from the Dowsil 738 SDS, it is also an RTV sealant? And if so, perhaps the Dowsil 748 sealant might be a better alternative for those concerned about acid release during cure - as the 748 is a “neutral cure” silicone adhesive sealant?

As we’ve now nearly beat this horse to death... and as this has veered from the focus of the original thread to a tangent of its’ own... thus the new Topic.

Once again, whether one decides to replace the PSU goo or not (and with whatever they might choose) that is entirely up to the individual. As for me, I’ll continue to use RTV silicone for this.

Many options, opinions and specifics have been made abundantly clear here at this point and any further posting(s) that may be deemed as excessively argumentative or redundant will simply be deleted and this topic possibly locked.
Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications / Re: Soundmaker 1.03
« Last post by smilesdavis on May 18, 2024, 11:50:04 AM »
more info? company?
Software / whats the deal with OS9 and BW/16color modes?
« Last post by goodoldmacs on May 18, 2024, 11:03:14 AM »
i have read conflicting information like you can enable the modes if you use particular monitors or if you replace the monitors extension with some specific older version, etc etc

it seems like one of those things though where the only reason programs wont run in higher color modes is just because the program itself is set to stop running?  like even if the system were in 256 or higher, the program would still run fine...if it wasn't closing itself down?

in all the years of mac tweaking is there no trick to either 1) get those modes available in OS9 or 2) trick the program into running anyway?
Hardware / Re: PSU Goo / adhesives
« Last post by ssp3 on May 18, 2024, 11:03:14 AM »
Everything is relative. It also depends on where you live.
I wouldn't call EUR 20 + VAT on top of it + shipping inexpensive.  ;)
And, the stuff will be in stock after July 20th.

All this hassle can be avoided by not gluing anything. Like High-End industry have done it for ages. And have shipped their stuff all over the world, btw.
Software / Re: Hellcats Over the pacific - on Mac OS 9.2.2
« Last post by goodoldmacs on May 18, 2024, 10:59:23 AM »
if it is part of the resource fork compression/decompression then either who would know about how to fix that or what would be involved in fixing it?

hellcats would be the most important victim of that but after dark is awesome also

this is the main reason i would go all through the trouble of the 8.6 firmware trick but on a fw400 mdd that might not even work :(

actually the main reason i got a g4 is i wanted to run hellcats at the highest possible resolutions  8) ...
so i was pretty disappointed to find out about this bug  :'(

hellcats was programmed so great to even have those resolutions available, if only more classic flight sims had that options, for most games it doesnt matter but flight sims definitely benefit.

did the same dev make another mac flight sim with an improved engine?  i remember another flight sim that came out a few years later that looked very similar tho it had modern jets.  maybe if theres no way to fix OS9 there could be a way to port the hellcats missions to that other engine
Hardware / G4 fw400 MDD: Can I get Digital Audio output?
« Last post by goodoldmacs on May 18, 2024, 10:05:37 AM »
sorry for another newbie question

please i would like to get digital audio output from my G4 running OS 9.

and i want to use the open firmware trick to boot 8.6 also so i definitely want a card/device that could work with that system also.

are there any options for this that can still be found online to purchase?

i only know of soundcards and USB devices that can do this?  i thought maybe macsd could but it seems like it only works for analog output of cd audio?

Storage / Re: SCSI CN50 - Options to Backup Old HDDs
« Last post by goodoldmacs on May 18, 2024, 09:57:54 AM »
thanks for the replies, i could still use some help though

please i would appreciate an answer to this specifically:

what pci card i can find to purchase that is compatible with my G4 MDD and will definitely work on OS 9 (and that have a good chance of working with OS 8.6 using the openfirmware trick)?

cards that will only work on OS 10 wont help, i wont be using that system.

i can find a couple that say they'll work with OS 9 but i definitely want to try the 8.6 openfirmware trick and i really want a scsi that will work in both

thanks very much

edit: just remembered another important thing to ask

all the different scsi plugs just get so crazy like:

68k mac has db25
all the devices connected to it use cn50
macsd uses idc50
and all the pci cards for the g4 use hd50

so i still need all kinds of adapters and one set that would be really useful but i can't find would be a CN50 to IDC50  (that way i could put the DB25-to-CN50 adapter on the back of the 68k, then the CN50 device, then an adapter to the MacSD with its builtin scsi termination as the last device in the chain)

so has anyone ever seen a CN50 to IDC50 adapter?
Hardware / Re: PSU Goo / adhesives
« Last post by robespierre on May 18, 2024, 09:26:38 AM »
The original goop is not really expensive. Manufacturers don't create any unnecessary costs, they are trying to profit after all.

It is not an "encapsulant" or potting compound, that would be a different material for a different purpose. It also is not a 2-component material.

As for post-process cleaning, the industry trend is towards aqueous cleaners—not very practical for bench repair purposes.
Hardware / Re: QS 867 Rev A with speaker 'hiss'
« Last post by Jacques on May 18, 2024, 08:51:15 AM »
Dismantled the QS today. I noticed the below on what appears to be the audio circuit sm electrolytic caps. None of the other caps on the board show this. Any ideas?

Apologies, this is near the audio section but not sure if these relate to the audio circuit!
News, Information & Feedback / Re: We're hiring (and have some ideas)!
« Last post by Knezzen on May 18, 2024, 02:05:48 AM »
Nice one! Is it alright if I borrow it and put it on the page? :)
As I mentioned above, the current logo for the new theme is a work in progress and focus has shifted somewhat.
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