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 on: Today at 12:16:33 AM 
Started by aBc - Last post by Nesufire
I’d say it’s fine to just for now to re-add what was already there before in terms of Sample CDs. No need to go crazy about dumping every single one of them accessible

If we do add anything new I’d prioritize SampleCell discs as they technically do have connections to OS9/System 7 in a sense.

 on: Yesterday at 11:25:48 PM 
Started by Jon - Last post by DrNo7
Thank you very much Jon for the additional results.
It helps greatly with the choice of network hardware to use (switches or hubs up to 100M) and which ones to avoid (1000M and above) :)

 on: Yesterday at 08:55:05 AM 
Started by Jon - Last post by Jon
Okay, I went through and set it to a bunch of different speeds. The OS9 side of things always connected at 10m/half, but I can set the port to 10/(half/full/auto) or 100(half/full/auto) and it seems to still be able to communicate, but if I set it to 1000/(half/full/auto) or Auto/(half/full/auto) it stops communicating.

 on: July 25, 2024, 10:19:37 PM 
Started by Jon - Last post by DrNo7
That is an interesting information... :)

Are you able to test the other combination s(10M/full, 100M/half and 100M/full) to help understand if it is only the auto négociation or some speeds that the OS 9 driver cannot deal with?

 on: July 25, 2024, 04:15:21 PM 
Started by Jon - Last post by Jon
Answering my own question; after doing some digging about, it seems like it really doesn't like the fast part of FastEthernet... Even though it recognized that there was a link, it was unable to get DHCP information from my server and the network port it was connected to autodetected a Gigabit connection. Logging into the switch and configuring the port to be 10M/Half Duplex allowed the Powerbook to both get a DHCP address and connect to the internet. Hopefully this information will help others - if you don't happen to have a high end network switch that allows you to configure individual ports, maybe a good ol' fashioned 10Mbit hub will do the trick, but I don't have any of those to test.

 on: July 25, 2024, 04:09:07 PM 
Started by birdjj - Last post by Jon
I don't know if this helps you at all, but I have a Powerbook5,4 and I manually entered IP info, but wasn't even able to ping the system (even though it said link was up) but I have it plugged into a fancy Aruba switch, so I created a switching profile that was 10M/Half Duplex and assigned it to the port that the Powerbook is plugged in to, and once I did that, I was able to ping the system. It is also able to get a DHCP address, which wasn't working before. A possible workaround might be to plug this thing into an old 10mbit hub or switch... I have to dig through my legacy stuff, but I don't think I have anything like that floating around anymore.

 on: July 25, 2024, 02:44:21 PM 
Started by msw - Last post by msw
Thank you for your very quick response!  I tried to zap pram, remove files.  Some success, but always ending in failure for me.  Ultimately, I just bought a card that had DVI directly on it, zapped the pram and so far so good (a couple of hours ;)  I don't get all the available resolutions that VGA had, but it seems to know which ones it can use that actually work.  Now I have a somewhat newer machine to run a lot of legacy software from my prior mac days!

The ISO builds for OS 9 are wonderful to allow this community to continue and I thank all the contributors!

 on: July 25, 2024, 10:23:54 AM 
Started by Jon - Last post by Jon
Has anybody figured out how to get the network working on this notebook in 9.22? I booted into OSX and ran the system profiler, and it shows that the network adapter is a Marvell 88E1111, and I found this document about the adapter:

But so far I haven't come across any drivers for OS9. Just wondering if this is a futile effort or if there's something that I've missed. From what I've read there's zero support for the AirPort Extreme card in it, so I am just trying to figure out how to get it on the wire.

 on: July 25, 2024, 08:18:40 AM 
Started by aBc - Last post by smilesdavis
As soon as my applesauce v2 is fixed i can add images of pace protected floppies
In the meantime im sorting my emagic, digidesign and steinberg cds to be imaged - im still missing the earliest waves cds.

 on: July 24, 2024, 04:55:32 PM 
Started by emendelson - Last post by emendelson
i *think* it is called icon tools - that one it is in our downloads. otherwise i have to look into my own install :)

I finally got a Hotline client working and dowloaded Icon Tools - it's worth having, but it's not your script, so if you ever find it, I'll be glad to experiment with it. No urgency, though!

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