Disk first aid tell me that there is a problem in HD:
BTree not valid 0, 0. The program cannot repair the issue. Could be this the cause of the rewiredll cpp failure. Norton and Disk first Aid, cannot repair this error.
did u access the drive from osx? do u have osx installed on the same drive?
perhaps diehard needs to find a way to make this information public
Jerry you realy have alot of info that you arent communicating
the same way that i wrote down all the info about all the gear..
u need to write some guide threads on install procedures
theres alot of noobs out there that have no clue and unless u explain everything
they are always going to run into issues
u literally have to do it yourself + write down every step as u go.. to show someone else
how to do it
not sure if u have the time, but it would almost be easier for u to do this
then for us to respond everytime someone has a problem