MacOS9 App - an improved SheepShaver for modern Macs

M9L's user MigMac pointed out the work that Ed Mendelson has lately been doing on his MacOS9 App. While it's basically just good ol' SheepShaver (the OS 9 emulator), Ed went to great length to reduce incompatibilities and to improve stability. It also minimizes the emulation setup process. Check out this thread in our forum for more info.

DeskPets for Mac OS 9

DeskPets (working title) from Manticore Software is a pet simulator in which you start off with a pet, can find a job to earn money for supporting your pet, buying new items for your home, or save to buy more exotic pets. It's set in a dystopic future where animals are endangered/almost non-existant.

The game is currently in alpha status with about 90% done. We sure hope it'll be out soon! Here's three screenshots from an older build:

(click to enlarge images)

Jamport G4 schematics now open source

Alex Hixon's serial adapter Jamport G4 is a life saver for anyone in need of a serial port on their iMac G4 or PowerMac G4 (all except the first model with PCI graphics). So how does it work? Well, it's a breakout board for the internal serial connector on the motherboard, originally used by the built in modem on said Macs. The breakout board gives you a standard Mac mini-DIN serial port on a PCI bracket to use with your favourite serial device (a serial connected MIDI interface in my case).

Alex recently made the schematics open source and available through a GitHub repository, free for anyone to use and modify. Jamport G4 is still being sold by Alex from his website, but releasing the schematics makes it possible for anyone to pick up the ball if Alex ever decides to stop selling Jamport G4 for whatever reason. Thank you Alex!

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