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Author Topic: rewire dll issue  (Read 33271 times)


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2014, 06:25:58 AM »

Why not try halion 2 img in these forums then follow the installation method
provided previously i.e. the disk in drive while you install the latest update
from steinberg (which I think is halion 2.0.3 Beta 2) and everything should work.

Halion 2 works pretty well here on MDD dual 1.25 cubase VST32.
not sure what it would be like on a g4 400-733?

You don't even need a serial number it should install okay.



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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2014, 01:11:45 AM »

Last night....creative flow....and all hell breaks loose. Same rewire dll problem.
Completely frozen system and lost an hour of work. >:(
Currently doing a complete reinstall of Cubase & Reason.
Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2014, 07:36:33 AM »

Last night....creative flow....and all hell breaks loose. Same rewire dll problem.
Completely frozen system and lost an hour of work. >:(
Currently doing a complete reinstall of Cubase & Reason.

which versions of each?


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2014, 10:02:17 AM »

OK, Been there, done that, there was a 4 year period where I used Reason 2.5, Rewire, and VST 5/32 for many projects.  In the end, I gave up with the instability or rewire and also other variables (like remembering which version of the Cubase project matched which version of the Reason project);  I found it helpful to immediately print the track to audio after I liked the reason NNXT patch and then working with just the audio files and left MIDI tracks (Cubase Only). In the end I gave up and turned off the rewire extension in the extensions manager.... however, if you love rewire...

Check a few things... first make sure you have latest rewire version...

1) I think Rewire 1.4.7 (build 74) was the latest

2) Also, I can't remember, but I think when I set the "Memory per channel" in the audio setup to 1056KB, the rewire stuff got more stable, but that may be an audio setting only, Just try it, might help

3) Try changing the number of tracks in Cubase... start with a low number like 8 or 16 initial Tracks, then go higher if things appear stable


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2014, 11:42:14 AM »

which versions of each?

Cubase 5 VST r1 & Reason 2.5 & Halion v1
Deadly combination. I have reinstalled Cubase 5 VST/32 r1 and deleted Halion. After 10 minutes...yup...the same rewire.dll issue?!?!? Restart and now everything seems stable? Can't understand it. However I am following DieHard's tips to see if I can get Cubase up and running with Reason 2.5. Otherwise I'll trash fact most of the time I don't need it anyway because I am exporting to audio a.s.a.p. while working with Reason.

Quite annoying. But thanks for the (moral) support!

Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2014, 12:45:30 PM »

refer to this thread..
i was trying to mount a fullscale investigation into exactly that issue..
but its still remains in limbo/vague wierdness :S
i was unable to fully track down the cause of the problem

basically imho.. rewire is the great concept that has never worked 100%
the stability of it.. and delays.. and offsets of timings..
its just a peice of shit man..;) lol it still has the same fucking problems
if u use a current pc or mac and reason 5.0 or higher im sure
reason has alot of good things going for it.
but alot of issues.. id like to have a good chat with the owners of propellerhead software
but part of me also would like to get them a lil drunk and take them outside the back of the bar
and beat the crap out of them for all the mental torment

m sure alot of people would say the same about "Steinberg" haha


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2014, 02:56:41 PM »

LOL....I read the thread. Stability is all for me. I don't have or want to make time for software ****; I want to make music.
I am up all night installing & trying to get a stable system. I even updated my system with the drag & drop version...well....that's not a Quicksilver 2002 compatible system. I had it up and running for 2 hours. Strange things happened. USB stopped working, system lock up etc. So I am back on my trusty Mac OS ROM 9.01. Works fine.

Zzzzz sleepy time!  ;D
Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2014, 03:10:04 PM »

I recall when asking Propellerhead about this issue a long time ago - the rewire dll issue with Halion and Cubase 5 -
they told me that it was not their problem but the implementation of Rewire by Cubase 5. They told me to ask Steinberg
about it. I suspected it was to force the OSX upgrade. I always had problems with Halion v1 & Cubase 5 - I stayed well clear of it.
Halion v2 the latest update is pretty good - not perfect but much better than the Halion v1 in terms of these errors.

Rewire has always been stable for me - given that the right version is used with applications. I haven't used Rewire for a while
there hasn't been a need to.


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2014, 01:28:08 AM »

I recall when asking Propellerhead about this issue a long time ago - the rewire dll issue with Halion and Cubase 5 -
they told me that it was not their problem but the implementation of Rewire by Cubase 5.

Well..I guess nobody @Propellerhead took the time to pay attention to customer experience. Pffff. My personal experience with Steinberg is totally different. They always helped me out and vice versa.  ;)

The good news; my system is currently in working condition! No Halion anymore.
Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2014, 11:42:39 PM »

Hi friends,
I'm working with cubase VST/32 5.1 and I have installed Halion from the In my system (9.9.2) I have also installed Reason 2.5. When I open Halion instrument as Cubase plugin, a message alert me and cubase shut down. The alert message tell me: "Verify ReWire Dll.cpp(994): verify failure". Someone has the same problem or can help me? In may G4 Powermac I have 750Mb of Ram.

i just got this error having had no problems recently untill now, when trying to install Battery 1.0 after copying this vst to my cubase vst plugins folder, launched cubase.. BOOM! error 994 rewire....
and the error dissappeared once i removed the battery vst + rebooted .. tried cubase launch. and all is fine..
does anyone have battery v1.0 working? maybe i installed incorrectly or this version we have posted is unusable.....

arjen1: did u have battery installed when this problem occurred for you?

proceeding to test the standalone version, i get this error on launch: see attachment
apart from that error i was able to load the sample kit included in the battery directory.. by pressing the "File" button on the right handside of the screen and selecting "load kit"

wait -- after i relaunch battery after having successfully loaded a kit..  i no longer the the error onlaunch.
ok i think i see the problem here, the error in the attahced screenshot only happens before loading a kit in the standalone
i think that to avoid the rewire 994 error.. u must first load the standalone version + load a default kit..
before launching cubase or another vst host... so the installation instructions for battery v1.0 on this site needs to be updated to include this crucial information

if anyone else sees any other 994 rewire error, i think this is caused by some type of error in a single vst loading up..
such as in this case caused by a kit file that was saved in preferences somehow and no longer present? or some path to a file that is not resolved correctly

maybe this means that all vsts that have a standalone should be first launched as standalone + verify normal operation before attempting to launch the vst host

in order to figure out where the reference is i would have to use sherlock to search "contents" of files
but i cant do this right now because i deleted my fcb indexer extension at diehards suggestion and my drive is no longer indexed for sherlock
so i manually set this up to index so that i can continue to try to figure this out!!

as a test, i then removed the battery folder from its place within my applications folder on my drive and moved it to my desktop...
then i launch cubase and get this error:

so this vst plugin is somehow remembering or referencing a filepath(or many filepaths) stored somewhere
ok after pressing "ok" to continue i see there is a actually a sequence of error windows, one for each wave file in the battery kit..
where is this path info saved? i actually deleted the program dir now and it still has this path info saved so where it is saved its not in the program directory for battery under applications..
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 12:42:56 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2014, 12:41:07 AM »

arjen1: did u have battery installed when this problem occurred for you?

No, I didn't. I once installed Battery and it crashed. Since I am not the most patient person; I deleted it a.s.a.p.
The rewire issue pops up occasionally in my setup. I am going to remove the rewire extention. However a problem is that some of my previous files won't load if the extension is turned off. Got to figure that one out too....
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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2014, 01:10:39 AM »

arjen1: did u have battery installed when this problem occurred for you?

No, I didn't. I once installed Battery and it crashed. Since I am not the most patient person; I deleted it a.s.a.p.
The rewire issue pops up occasionally in my setup. I am going to remove the rewire extention. However a problem is that some of my previous files won't load if the extension is turned off. Got to figure that one out too....

this error is caused from some sort of file reference coming up incorrect..
i suspect its from copying an installation from someone elses drive with hard drive root name that differs from yours
as u can see the name of my hard drive "mos9" is included in one of the error messages..
and when i checked the "Installer Log file" that was included with the battery directory
it makes reference to a hard drive called "Etwoy" from July 2001
the reason the rewire crashes is because its probably trying to reference something on this "Etwoy" disk
somehow remembering the file path from whoever created the file......

the first for batterys sake like i said is to run the standalone, select your asio driver, and load the kit and then exit the app
somehow this resets all the pertinent info to being related to your installation and overrides this false file path info
that is causing the error!

Arjen_1: if u didnt have battery installed.. maybe u had another Native instruments plugin installed.. that perhaps behaves in a very similar fashion
re: saved file references to samples

anyway like i said the fix isto launch the standalone and select a kit to load first before launching the vst host

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 02:12:04 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2014, 01:40:40 AM »

Arjen_1: if u didnt have battery installed.. maybe u had another Native instruments plugin installed.. that perhaps behaves in a very similar fashion
re: saved file references to samples

Could be. Kontakt was unstable and causing errors. Latest version works fine.
Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Sample libraries in General
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2014, 06:00:07 PM »

Be aware that many software samplers when loading programs/sample patches may use "relative" naming conventions (just subfolder names) or absolute paths (the exact file path including volume) or a combination of both when trying to find the samples... this can obviously be a big pain in the ass and every sampler... HALion, EXS24, Kompakt, works differently... so first learn all the options of you favorite sampler and the test a few things out of the library you want to use. 

There are many work arounds and quick fixes for specific errors when loading sample libraries, I know some from past headaches...  post any issues and we can start a new thread how to deal with this and some work arounds.


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2014, 06:57:33 PM »

Well..I guess nobody @Propellerhead took the time to pay attention to customer experience. Pffff. My personal experience with Steinberg is totally different. They always helped me out and vice versa.  ;)

The good news; my system is currently in working condition! No Halion anymore.

im starting to think arjen_1 is secret undercover agent for steinberg;)
kidding, but yea .. i personally get more satisfaction from figuring out the real cause of hte problem rather hten taking the 100% delete + ditch approach. especially if its something thats worth getting into working condition like battery or halion, two incredibly useful plugins.... and yes like diehard mentioned each plugin works with filepaths somewhat differently and takes some intelligence + more importantly patience and methodical investigation to get to the root of hte problem and document


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Re: rewire dll issue
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2014, 08:49:15 PM »


we really need to find out more infoirmation regarding what this error is really caused by
as its being caused by many different apps
i dont even have reason installed!!
and im getting the error.. (probably because ableton is a rewire slave)
do u think its possible for me to just remove the rewire components from the ableton working directory somehow to avoid this error from happening?
it seems to be being caused, like arjen said, from VST.......
i have already speculated that its caused by file pathing error
but i need to be sure wtf this is!

its so irritating that propellerhead always blames someother company when u contact them asking them whats going on
they give u no detailed information on the error
if htey have authored a technology that affects many others that they have got steinberg + other companies to adhere to their progamming standard
they are obligated to show some type of documentation at least on the error codes!!!!!
yet in the lats 10 years millions of people serach for this and find nothing i bet

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