Hi friends,
I'm working with cubase VST/32 5.1 and I have installed Halion from the macintoshgarden.org. In my system (9.9.2) I have also installed Reason 2.5. When I open Halion instrument as Cubase plugin, a message alert me and cubase shut down. The alert message tell me: "Verify ReWire Dll.cpp(994): verify failure". Someone has the same problem or can help me? In may G4 Powermac I have 750Mb of Ram.
i just got this error having had no problems recently untill now, when trying to install Battery 1.0 after copying this vst to my cubase vst plugins folder, launched cubase.. BOOM! error 994 rewire....
and the error dissappeared once i removed the battery vst + rebooted .. tried cubase launch. and all is fine..
does anyone have battery v1.0 working? maybe i installed incorrectly or this version we have posted is unusable.....
arjen1: did u have battery installed when this problem occurred for you?
proceeding to test the standalone version, i get this error on launch: see attachment
apart from that error i was able to load the sample kit included in the battery directory.. by pressing the "File" button on the right handside of the screen and selecting "load kit"
wait -- after i relaunch battery after having successfully loaded a kit.. i no longer the the error onlaunch.
ok i think i see the problem here, the error in the attahced screenshot only happens before loading a kit in the standalone
i think that to avoid the rewire 994 error.. u must first load the standalone version + load a default kit..
before launching cubase or another vst host... so the installation instructions for battery v1.0 on this site needs to be updated to include this crucial information
if anyone else sees any other 994 rewire error, i think this is caused by some type of error in a single vst loading up..
such as in this case caused by a kit file that was saved in preferences somehow and no longer present? or some path to a file that is not resolved correctly
maybe this means that all vsts that have a standalone should be first launched as standalone + verify normal operation before attempting to launch the vst host
in order to figure out where the reference is i would have to use sherlock to search "contents" of files
but i cant do this right now because i deleted my fcb indexer extension at diehards suggestion and my drive is no longer indexed for sherlock
so i manually set this up to index so that i can continue to try to figure this out!!
as a test, i then removed the battery folder from its place within my applications folder on my drive and moved it to my desktop...
then i launch cubase and get this error:

so this vst plugin is somehow remembering or referencing a filepath(or many filepaths) stored somewhere
ok after pressing "ok" to continue i see there is a actually a sequence of error windows, one for each wave file in the battery kit..
where is this path info saved? i actually deleted the program dir now and it still has this path info saved so where it is saved its not in the program directory for battery under applications..