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Author Topic: All Hail the RXD-629A7-7 IDE/SATA Adapter  (Read 26924 times)


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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2020, 05:00:52 PM »

i´ve looked around and there are at least 15 brands of dual channel IDE adapters.

the yellow startech is not even expensive, it starts at 12 bucks and includes cables. various brands with JM chip around, too.

if there are no issues appearing with both OSX and OS9 this should be the best solution for a quicksilver.

what i wonder is: they all seem to need power, which is not 100% ideal. maybe there is one which does not need power?

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Re: Adapters
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2020, 09:38:21 AM »

Pleases provide source/link/search parameters for that yellow StarTech-based adapter and I’ll possibly add it to my shopping & test list. (Still waiting on China orders for the others.) And I might also pick up this WD 250GB / M.2 to try with it.

As for “power” / regarding the yellow Startech… is there a molex connector on the backside? (Like to see both sides of that adapter.)


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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2020, 09:43:18 AM »

what i wonder is: they all seem to need power, which is not 100% ideal. maybe there is one which does not need power?

Of course it needs some power. There is chip and IDE40-connector cannot(/should not) give power for it.


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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2020, 03:43:44 PM »

for me it is not so much "of course", as you can see from the big questionmarkt between my ears.

2 adapters with only 1 channel each dont need power, but 1 adapter with 2 channels needs power? this somehow doesnt make sense to me.

edit: ah wait, of course the single channel adapters will also drain power from the power in socket, and not just pass it through to the disk.^^

so, okay, but that means you need 3 power cables for 2 devices in a dual channel adapter. you save the PATA cable but you need an additional 5V, haha.
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Re: Adapters
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2020, 03:52:24 PM »

As for “power” / regarding the yellow Startech… is there a molex connector on the backside? (Like to see both sides of that adapter.)

nono, it has those small connectors similar to jumper bridges. the cable for connecting it to molex is included.

it looks like the one of the singel channel startech adapter in your start post, just with the difference that the power is not forwarded to the SATA disks.
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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2020, 04:05:04 PM »

so, here someone did half our job for us.
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IDE/SATA Adapters Update - MDD
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2021, 07:16:34 PM »

“so, here someone did half our job for us.” -IIO
Well, not quite.

MDD Bridge Options Update

Previous conclusion was that in order to run two SSDs on main MDD ATA cable, it was only possible with one IDE/SATA bridge (a JM20330 chipset - the GREEN variety) AND a StarTech (IDE2SAT2 - RED variety). This is now voided. The more expensive StarTech bridges offer a “Cable Select” jumper setting which somehow also facilitates the use of the several varieties of the less expensive JM20330-based IDE/SATA bridges on that same ATA cable. Of course two StarTechs, both set to Cable Select also work - if money is no object to you and you desire a meager increase in performance. StarTechs provide only slightly better (yet negligible here) benchmark results.

All Hail the RXD-629A7-7
(The JP103-5’s doppelgänger?)

Late April / 2020 - ordered (2) JP103-5’s and (2) EVB-002-3’s (see below) from China via eBay for testing. After 90 days received refunds on both. A month later received (2) HXSP-0908F’s in place of the EVB-002-3’s AND a month after that… the RXD-629A7-7’s arrived in place of the JP103-5’s (via Kyrgyzstan). Total cost $14.22 for all four bridges before refund. Afterwards = $0. Have seen StarTechs recently offered from $18 - $35 and the RXD’s (in the U.S.) around $10 and under.

After much wringing of the hands and gnashing of the teeth here, finally discovered using two of the RXD’s on the ATA cable, that both SSD’s were recognized in a 1.25 DP MDD. (Perhaps same can be done with the old JP103-5’s?) Simply removed jumper completely from one RXD and set jumper on the other one as “Slave”. [This approach, originally alluded to by IIO - last year. He’s got that ESPN.;)

In this instance, both 128GB Inland Professional SSDs were pre-loaded with OS 9 in a Quicksilver 867 before the MDD attempt. At first neither SSD was recognized, nor would they boot the MDD. *This required a reboot with MacTron’s Rescue & Install disk (or other bootable CD) to then select an OS 9 SSD volume as a Startup disk. Erased OS 9 from the second (B) SSD and machine hasn’t failed to boot since.

Here’s the setup:

Notice the Slave jumper on A drive (where OS 9 resides) and no jumper on the B drive? Always thought that the last cable postion was ID=0? Whatever the case, this setup allows B drive to score better benchmark results than with a StarTech bridge. Really with this setup, the absolute best scores of any bridge here… in the MDD or Quicksilver. Don’t ask me why or how. And yes… repeatable results.

Here’s the StarTech Benchmark:

…versus the solo, RXD-629A7-7

Anyone have (2) JP103-5’s to test this same approach? Please report results.
(I’m lookin’ at you, Mr. Happy.)

Still no EVB-002-3 (Greystash’s “Green Bribge) here.
*And I doubt that they would work without a StarTech.(?)
**Except that when un-jumpered… they’re “Slaves”?

AND… maybe now add the Inland Professional 128GB SSDs to our bootable OS9 SSD list.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 12:09:05 AM by DieHard »


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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2021, 07:30:59 PM »

3 years of SATA philosophy only to help 17 potential readers to save USD 5,57 for a specific combination of cards, media, and mac models.
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Re: IDE/SATA Adapters - ADP-06 / StarTech Etc.
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2021, 07:32:29 PM »

btw, what about the alternative (front) SATA bus in the MDD?
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IDE/SATA Adapter - BEST CHOICE update
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2021, 06:04:27 PM »

Figured out the improved benchmark results for “B” drive noted above. Originally formatted both SSDs with Drive Setup 1.9.2 and then reformatted “B” with Drive Setup 2.1 afterwards. Reformatted “A” drive today with 2.1 and ran QuickBench again which yielded the better results for the “A” drive. USE Drive Setup 2.1 for MDDs… doesn’t seem to make any difference with the Quicksilver.

Above results / MDD.

Sourcing RXD-629A7-7’s
Most available sources for the RXD-629A7-7 are of a Chinese origin (eBay) and many of those show both the RXD and the JP103-5 mixed together in their available images. Still don’t know if those two are identical. There are some East and West coast listings on eBay - but you need to check very closely if you don’t want to wait 5 months for delivery.

Hate to say, but… It seems that Amazon might be the best option unless you can find a local source. Currently listing (2) RXD’s for $16.99.

Quicksilver Results
*See MDD results above: Scroll up ∆
RXD-629A7-7 vs. the StarTech.
Tested w/ (2) Inland Professional 128 GB SSDs.
Both booting a Quicksilver 867 into OS 9.
One set as Master, one set as Slave.
QuickBench results (per Drive Setup 1.9.2):



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Re: 2021 Update (All Hail the RXD-629A7-7) IDE/SATA Adapter - BEST CHOICE
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2021, 08:23:12 AM »

For my dp mdd 1.25

I bought 2 adp06 kingpins on sale for 5 bucks each on Amazone.  One on the ata 66 but that's is under the ata33 connector and the other on the master ata66 connector. OWC elextras ssd 120gb 35mb/s on the ata66 and 50mb/s on the right side ata66. I am waiting for the rx adapters to go on sale, so I can put the two owc drives on the master controller for both 50mb/s though I am not sure why I want to do it. they are now 16.99 but says wait. . .


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« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2021, 10:40:33 AM »

“I can put the two owc drives on the master controller for both 50mb/s though I am not sure why I want to do it.”

Actually the RXD adapters in an MDD will net you 74-82 MB/s (format drives with Drive Setup 2.1).
Granted, that’s more than half the rates of a FirmTek - SeriTek/iV4 card ($128.00)
- for a mere fraction of that cost ($16.00 for two). And it’s possible to find them for less.

(Don’t like Amazon - but good price for two & hopefully, more dependable & faster.);topic=5436.0;attach=8359;image;topic=5436.0;attach=8401;image


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Re: 2021 Update (All Hail the RXD-629A7-7) IDE/SATA Adapter - BEST CHOICE
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2021, 12:32:49 AM »

OK, so, amazingly the RXD-629A7-7 (manufacturer still unknown), wins again in the MDD cage mounting category !

A little bird told me that the RXD-629A7-7 is 1/16th of an inch less-wide than the KingWin ADP-06, so it fits in the cage absolutely perfectly.

Remember from my post on the ADP-06 (pics below), it always bugged me that I had to manually pry the cage open a little to accommodate the width of the ADP-06...
Note the buckling of the white sticky foam tape as a giveaway of adapter being slightly pressured by the force of the stretched open cage :(

So... bottom line... use ADP-06 if you want only 1 SSD and you want to stretch the MDD cage slightly OR
use the RXD-629A7-7 and install 1 or 2 SSDs and no stretching needed of the cage
Repeat after me (slowly and deep monotone)...

All Hail the RXD-629A7-7
All Hail the RXD-629A7-7
All Hail the RXD-629A7-7



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Re: 2021 Update (All Hail the RXD-629A7-7) IDE/SATA Adapter - BEST CHOICE
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2021, 08:41:30 PM »

Got a pair of RXD-629A7 adapters. Put them with the OWC SSD Elektra 60Gb and 120Gb on the ATA66. ID 1 is set as Slave and ID 0 without the jumper.
50MB/s with Drive Genius on both drives. Better than the Kingwin adapters because I couldn't put them both on the faster bus, but not seeing the speeds you got.
First thing I did after replacing two caps on the PSU. Worked like a charm but didn't see any boost with Drive Setup 2.1. Maybe the OWC SSD are slower....


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RXD-629A7-7 IDE/SATA Adapter
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2021, 03:44:15 AM »

Optimum test results for the RXD adapter achieved via MDD 1.25 DP
running only OS 9.2.2 and using QuickBench 1.0 (and 2.0)
with SSDs via ATA-100 connection.

*ATA-66 in the MDD did / does yield the lesser speeds you noted…
much like the Quicksilver results.

Is there a version of Drive Genius that runs under OS 9…
or were your SSD benchmark results OS X based via ATA-66?

Also achieved same optimum QuickBench results here with an OWC SSD
under OS 9.2.2. with the RXD. So no, the OWC SSDs aren’t slower.
However, MacBench 3.0 under OS 9 yielded slightly less
performance compared to QuickBench results with all SSDs tested here.

Congrats on the PSU repair. 8)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 06:33:31 AM by FBz »


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Re: 2021 Update (All Hail the RXD-629A7-7) IDE/SATA Adapter - BEST CHOICE
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2021, 08:00:15 AM »

Meant ATA100. I have 2 quicksilvers and the mdd; so I default to ata 66 and 33. Anyway the difference between ata66 and ata100 is only a few mb/s difference at most. Must be the Ssd you used OWC ssd best 50-55 macbench or otherwise. Same as Kingwin. Difference is using them both on the same bus. That however causes other bottlenecks of its own. Sometimes better to have on separate bus particularly with DAW.


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OWC & RXD-629A7-7
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2021, 10:45:33 AM »

Just re-formatted and re-tested this OWC SSD.
Again, this… on an MDD 1.25 DP / ATA-100.

Anyway the difference between ata66 and ata100 is only a few mb/s difference at most.
Before my MDD stopped working I was getting around 50mps with the Kingwin and OWC Elektra on the 100ata and 30mps on the 66.


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BRIBGE Budget SATA adapter
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2021, 05:07:46 PM »

Last, but not entirely least… the elusive EVB-002-3 / Bribge adapter.


After forever failing to acquire any of these for testing
we now have them in very great abundance.

As a special for members, they’re now available for $8.99 each
- which includes postage within the continental United States.
(PM Diehard or moi.)

[ADP-06 adapters are now selling for $9.99.]

With their available Master / Slave jumper, they perform well in MDDs
& Quicksilvers as solo adapters. Have tested them with conventional
(mechanical) drives ranging from 750GB up to 1TB and most recently
with SSDs ranging from 120GB and up to the latest, Crucial 1TB SSD.

*Optimum Read / Write performance in MDD’s is in the mid-80 MB/sec and
(of course) less in the Quicksilvers with 50+ MB/sec performance.

Regretfully, they don’t work in pairs on the same ribbon cable regardless of
how you set their jumper. Best alone, on a cable - with a BIG drive.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 11:20:53 PM by DieHard »


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europeans by from china. ;)

bribge 2,57

normal 4,15

macmini 3,61
you can usually trust dealers with only 1000-5000 transactions... the´re often the cheapest because they are working on their rating.

but as always, be careful what you click.

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« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2021, 07:15:44 PM »

Seems now that the lowly Bribge adapter has possibly earned just a bit of redemption here.
At least in this particular application. (I think that DieHard might just have a few Bribges left.)

Nice holiday gifts… at a low-low price? ;)

When used in this manner to add an Inland 128 GB SSD to a G3 B&W* - already with a conventional 80 GB HD present… it actually worked! The Seagate pictured below offers jumper settings for “Master with non-ATA compatible slave”. So, if you’ve a similar conventional drive that also provides for this two jumper arrangement, it might be worth removing the jumper from the Bribge adapter and assigning that added SSD slave status?

*Mind you, this B&W has the Rev.2 mobo that allows 2 HDs. (Rev.1 did not.)

You’ll need to check specific jumper settings for your conventional drive - as jumper settings may vary from each conventional drive to drive. This worked with the Seagate HD pictured.
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