Clarifications or More Mud…Thanks Bolkonskij, looks like we’ve now another possible low-cost option over the RED Marvell chipset-based adapters and even though I can’t quite make out the printing on that chip, I’d guess that it’s a member of the
•JM20330 chipset family. (aka: The “GREEN TEAM”) The JP103-5 adapter.

Bolkonskij's JP103-5 adapter - the "Bribge" challenger.
Especially good when one considers that little jumper (Red arrow) “PJ2” on the PCB, clearly marked
Master / Slave. Perfect for the pre-2002 Quicksilvers and OK if only one on an MDD’s cable. (“There can be only one”) A very quick search here just now yields several possible sources for that adapter (other than direct from China or via AliExpress?).
Side question: Did you get an overclocked, dual processor CPU from Knezzen for your Power Mac G4, Dual 1.67 Ghz? An MDD, correct? (PM me.)
And IIO… not so sure about
2002 Quicksilvers per-se. All the Quicksilvers here are
pre-2002 models BUT they all do have Version “B” boards - which allow them the access & use of larger HDs. (Yes, getting muddier and less-clear now.)
Supposedly, the
2002 Quicksilvers went to the
Cable Select setup, which might make them more like the CS MDD’s HD setting requirements. Strange when one considers all the HD ribbon cables in my older
pre-2002 Quicksilvers have the notched cables (like the MDD cable selects) BUT mine all require Master / Slave settings. What were you saying before IIO, about things getting complicated and Apple not always sticking to certain specs? Ha-ha!
It depends! 
Anyone here have an
actual 2002 model Quicksilver? And then again, maybe my pre-2002 Quicksilvers were updated or modified with MOBOs from the 2002 models? They still require Master/Slave settings. So, who knows?
Guess I’ll be looking to buy some JP103-5 adapters anyway.
Thanks IIO & Bolkonskij.
UPDATE: Well it looks like all of the JP103-5 ship from China and while they are
very inexpensive, I have a personal aversion to ordering direct from China. So, it looks like the same hurdle (for me) when ordering Greystash's "Bribge" adapters from AliExpress. Anyone having a U.S. or European source for either of these would be greatly appreciated. There is a source in Florida (U.S.) that has only two of the JP103-5 for $8.99 each + $14.00 for shipping... which puts them back in the Marvell-based (RED) adapter cost range. (Be certain to check for the Master/Slave jumpers when ordering from anywhere.) And Bolkonskij, do please report your findings concerning use with single drive in your G4. Thanks.