I recently got from flea market a silent upgrade mini G4, that is the machine with 1.5 GHz CPU and 64 MB instead of 32 MB video RAM, I replaced the quite fast!! HDD with my usual msata-to-2,5ide 128 GB drive, it has DWD-RW superdrive instead of the ususal combo drive, otherwise totally identical to other G4 mini's except the last thing it has bluetooth 2.0 instead of v1.
I burned OS9 v9 installer found here (my last try was v8 on a regular 1,25 GHz Mini quite a long time ago). Against the advice I used digital DVI cable with my Samsung syncmaster A450 1680x1050 TFT. The very same cable with this mini works OOB with 10.4 and 10.5, properly giving 1680x1050@60Hz resolution under OSX.
While booting the CD I got extremely confusing visuals that stayed during the install. The image was there, but it was garbled somewhat, I quickly got into the Samsung internal menu in the monitor and the info section revealed the mini is sending 840x1050 pixel resolution @60 Hz. Instead of 1680 pixels witdh I got half, 840 px. Althought it was barely readable (as every second column of pixels were missing from the vision, I installed v9 from muscle memory).
After reboot I got the same 840x1050px resolution (based on monitor's internal menu) with full ATI acceleration. I launched Monitors control panel, where I started to lower the resolution, until I reached 832x624@75Hz, where I got a clear image...
... I did not tried yet the modified rockhopper2 drivers.
What I found weird is that the picture is almost there, I mean number of pixels divided by two is the only issue I have with this monitor...
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