It's super cool being able to boot Mac OS 9 in this form factor without paying an arm and a leg for something like a G4 Cube.
Actually, in this regard (form factor), the Mac mini G4 is about 4x
superior than even the G4 Cube. I can and do fit my minis in corners between monitors that no G4 Cube could ever dream of being able to, even if sliced in half.
Also a cool side-note is that, despite the Cube's really good upgradeability, the mini still has
much faster RAM (same RAM speed as MDD and PowerBook G4 1.67 Ghz) that the Cube can do nothing about (333 Mhz DDR1 on mini vs. 100 Mhz pre-DDR1 on Cube), which is a very welcome bonus in the mini's favor.
Both are very cool to have, but if form factor is not an issue, then I'd stick with an MDD in the first place. Personally, I have no use for a G4 Cube.
Edit: Just in case my message wasn't clear, all I mean to say is: rejoice your mini! On top of being cheaper, it has a much better and smaller form factor.