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Author Topic: Installing OS 8.5 on Powerbook G3 Wallstreet  (Read 1945 times)


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Installing OS 8.5 on Powerbook G3 Wallstreet
« on: November 16, 2023, 11:06:39 AM »

I recently received a G3 Wallstreet with a faulty drive. I have updated the drive with a 128gb SSD which I have initialised and formatted to Mac OS Extended once I had booted from there installation CD

When I install Mac OS 8.5 I am told that there is enough space on the disk and it will require 160 mb, however if I start installing I get a warning halfway through telling me that

"There is not enough space on the disk ""Mac OS"" to complete the installation 2312362k needed, 2096892k available. Remove some items on the disk and try again"

If I press "skip" the installation continues and completes but tells me some software could not be completed.

I can boot into the new install, but when I open "about this computer" it shows that Mac OS is taking up 18.4 mb of space and the bar is pretty much completely full, possibly meaning that it is full?

Could someone please explain if I'm doing something wrong and what this all means, I would really appreciate the help.


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Re: Installing OS 8.5 on Powerbook G3 Wallstreet
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2023, 11:40:01 AM »

I recently received a G3 Wallstreet with a faulty drive. I have updated the drive with a 128gb SSD which I have initialised and formatted to Mac OS Extended once I had booted from there installation CD

You have to partition your SSD. All boot partitions have to be under 8 GB with G3 Powerbook G3 Wallstreet and PDQ. You can have partition after those even size of 100 GB.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 12:18:32 PM by teroyk »


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Re: Installing OS 8.5 on Powerbook G3 Wallstreet
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2023, 11:51:05 AM »

I thought that might be the case, though I'm struggling to find anywhere within the Boot CD which will allow me to do this, could you please point me in the right direction.



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Re: Installing OS 8.5 on Powerbook G3 Wallstreet
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2023, 12:05:15 PM »

It's okay I found it by searching this forum, it's easy when you know what you're looking for  ;D

Thank you for your help, though I will be back asking more questions soon lol

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