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Author Topic: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"  (Read 5527 times)


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Hello all,

I have an error every time I try to do any file manipulation in my 9.22 Finder "You cannot move (copy, rename etc) filename because you do not have the privilege to make changes". I tried repairing the permissions/disk in the Disk First Aid in 9.22 and Disk Utility in the OSX Tiger with no luck.

It happened after quite a convoluted process of installing OSX Tiger first, then restoring 9.22 files from a CCC backup, blessing the system folder using terminal and then installing the OS9 drivers using Silverlining Pro.

Is there anything I can try before wiping everything and starting over?

Many thanks,



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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 04:44:27 AM »

Just to clarify, the OS 9 boots fine (I don't use Classic in Tiger), programs work normally, the problems start when I try to do any file operations in Finder.


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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2023, 05:21:51 AM »

does it go away when you do a safe boot into OS9?

maybe it is releated to OS9 users. in OS9 you can just deinstall the users controlpanel, and its pseudo "filerights" are history.

in rare cases OSX originated files can also prevent OS9 from opening them. they usually also have their icons having fixed locations and would not allow to change the icon per copy and paste. all of this will go away if you perform some change to the file in question using filebuddy.
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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2023, 09:33:24 AM »

Thank you for all the suggestions. I tried safe boot and then the disabling of the "Multiple User" (and just in case also of "File Sharing") control panels but it didn't make any difference.

Do you perhaps know what file operation I could try in File Buddy?

What is strange is that it seems that any application can modify files apart from the Finder. I can download a file in Clasilla and save it, but I can't move or delete later from Finder.

Again, many thanks.



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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2023, 02:35:53 PM »

Do you perhaps know what file operation I could try in File Buddy?

File Buddy 7.6.3 is now freely avaible for MacOS9:
Can you move files with it?


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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2023, 02:40:10 PM »

This is a known issue and has been discussed here previously.,5963.msg44486.html#msg44486

In your case, I suspect that somewhere in the "convoluted process" you described, you lost your ownership of the files.
OS9 is now "seeing" you as someone other than the owner of the files.
Basically, you're in muck up to your neck.

So, if File Buddy works, thank the heavens.
If it doesn't, my first suggested procedure:

1) Using the Tiger disc, do a fresh install of Tiger - yes, that means wipe everything and start over - but this time do two things…
2) Install the OS9 drivers with Tiger during the disk initialization and partition a separate volume for OS9.
3) Install Tiger on one volume, and install only the OS9 System Folder and Finder on the other.

* Try the next step with just a couple of files to see if it works

4) Restore some OS9 files to the Tiger volume maybe create an empty folder to put them in
5) Boot OS9, say a prayer, open the Tiger volume and drag them onto the OS9 volume. If you can do that, you should be able to open and use them in OS9.
6) If #5 is true, repeat with the rest of the OS9 files. If you can get everything dragged over and it all works, you can then reboot Tiger and delete the ones on the OSX volume.

If this fails at some point (and don't be surprised if it does) come back, describe what happened / what you see and we'll try again.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 03:41:41 PM by GaryN »


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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2023, 03:21:31 PM »

i usually use it for that kind of operation which didnt work in the finder, which is limited to applying a custom icon, applying a labelcolor, or renaming. FB can do it where finder wouldnt, and after doing something once you can continue manipulating it in finder.

once in a while i get a file from somebody who made a .zip under OSX root acccount, and after unzipping it in OSX i can no longer make changes to it in OS9. for some reason with filebuddy it always works.

if you look into the thread gary linked to, this is the explanation why it can happen. (sharing)

though i can not share the experience that you should not move files with different OS´s... i work in millions of files between different OS and never had such a problem with my local originated files.

however, file sharing and user&groups are useless anyway in OS9, just remove it and you have one potential problem less.
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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2023, 03:56:54 PM »

if you look into the thread gary linked to, this is the explanation why it can happen. (sharing)
however, file sharing and user&groups are useless anyway in OS9, just remove it and you have one potential problem less.

After getting bitten by this more than once, I've revised my suspicions to both sharing permissions and the "Multiple Users" stuff.
The "Users and Groups" functions are intertwined with File Sharing. U & G was an attempt to create separate user accounts and permission levels the way OSX does. It all has to work properly or shit happens. OS updates were always done with fingers and toes crossed and there was no real clear protocol for migrating everything to another computer other than drag-copying stuff over.
All of that more or less worked until that damn UNIX-derived OSX came along.

Anyway, I hope it works because the next trick will involve setting up Classic and using it to try to fool 9.2.2…


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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2023, 04:28:04 PM »

when i think about it, i have also never seen that error message "you dont have the priviledges" - so everything i suggested might only work for another scerario.

the solution for his issue is not something for single files anyway, he rather had to check the topmost path, i.e. the disks and volumes these files are on.

for example... what happens if you attempt to rename the HD icon?
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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2023, 10:56:14 AM »

Again, thank you for all the suggestions. I just had a chance to test them and unfortunately File Buddy can't do any operations on any of the files, the Finder error comes up  right after File Buddy starts and then every time I'm trying to do any file operations.

Renaming of the hard drive doesn't seem to be working either.

If nothing else works I'll start over with two partitions and a Tiger installation.


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Re: Error in 9.22 Finder "You do not have the privilege to make changes"
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2023, 01:52:18 PM »

When that comes up on my attempt to trash something I use: Burn 2.5  Michael Watson & Paul Jensen 1993-1998 It's never failed to destroy :-)

I've been using my Pismo for 20 years now. Lots of upgrades to this and that. I used Res-Edit to really make it mine. The incredible assortment of 3rd party applications, etc. for it have made it a real joy. I can't go on line anymore of course but in 9 I create slide shows, screenplays, books, etc. in AppleWorks 5.04 that is also very hacked with Res-Edit and IMO the greatest word processing application ever made. I have just about every Adobe product for it made.

Down to my last G3 processor as my G4 died a few years ago. Hard to find.

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