The NEW - Mac OS 9 Lives 2.0 Version
TL;DRPost (and / or) embed images at or under 978 pixels wide. But
never larger than 1400 pixels wide. (And resolutions @ 72 ppi.)
Believe me.This was as much fun to assemble as it is for you to read.
(Which means “not very much fun at all”.)
Where things stand now, as far as embedding images
within posts et cetera. (And still, possibly…
subject to change.)
NOW to the POINT!For those that intend to include or embed images within their
posts in a sort of “Text + Image + Text + Image + Text”
et cetera format…
Some guidelines, overly complicated instructions and examples:
1. Size your images to 1400 pixels wide and 72 dpi (not 96 dpi).
More on this later - depending upon which theme you choose.
2. If you don’t need to show images of this large size and can
instead, use images 978 pixels wide, or smaller. Do so.
978 pixels wide is the maximum image width under
theme 2.0 (without the need for scrolling).
3. If no need to embed your image(s) don’t. Just attach them
as normal to your post(s) and others can click to view them.
If they’re too large (above 1400) members squawk… a lot.
4. But do please try to adhere to that maximum of 1400 pixels
width for large images, when needed.
5. You can still elect to post images larger than 1400 pixels…
which now will be made "auto-scrollable", under the new
2.0 theme / while still possibly viewable under Blu theme.
However, much larger images under Blu may end up again
as “
overly scrollable” & subject to resize & editing by mods.
This is all about some sort of median “bridge” between the new
Mac OS 9 Lives 2.0 theme and the original (now) “Blu” theme.
Posting in, or under one… while also considering the other.
Last week, ssp3 and I worked on this for many many hours.
Hopefully it will not all have been in vain and will be a “plus”.
Examples here should be viewed under new 2.0 theme.But you can view under “Blu” too… if you want to. (I hope.)
Number ONE

This shows 978 pixel wide image displayed @ 524 pixels wide.
The new 2.0 theme automatically re-sizes original images
at 978 pixels or less, to fit within theme’s visual opening.
Within Number ONE above, you can see the attachment
entitled BRIDGE.png How do you get that “Copy Image Link”
address to then insert it?
Refer: that example notes: “Copy Image Location”.
(circa 2021)
It’s a total pain, but when it comes to step-by-step processes or
viewing certain how-to procedures… well, much better “flow”.😀
More ABOUT Number ONEA screenshot of some screenshots, of a screenshot.
Shown within that displayed 978 pixel wide image is the relative
size representations of the Blu theme and the new 2.0 theme.
Note the blue-arrowed line compared to the red-arrowed line.
That’s representative of what you can see under Blu and 2.0.
Also the maximum relative sizes of the two CPU images under
both themes are shown. Yeah, it confuses me too.
But to me, I’d like a combination of both themes:
The text formatting of 2.0 PLUS the greater image size of Blu.
Some have seen me “force” that text formatting under the Blu
theme before. As I did here in the example of Blu with text
formatted like 2.0. Are you lost yet? I might be too.
Still, even if you don’t embed images and just leave them as
attachments at the bottom of your posts, even a 1400 pixel
image can be viewed under 2.0. You’ll just have to scroll like
in the next example. Maybe not under Blu, but still… maybe?
Depends on your screen and specific browser.
Hell, you can even double-click on such attachments, opening
them and then drag them to your desktop for offline viewing.
Number TWO

So above, with the attachment (from the bottom) double-clicked
and expanded under 2.0 you may finally be able to read the
body of text from the 1400 pixel wide image. (Notice the gray
scroll bar at the bottom?) Now maybe change themes from
Mac OS 9 Lives 2.0 back to Blu theme and notice a difference?
[978 total pixels wide as displayed under the new 2.0 theme.]
Again, no. I’m not Anti-2.0 theme and now I plan to original post
under 2.0 and then go back to Blu - to force format text and edit
as necessary. So that both themes remain viable, and user-
selectable options. Sometimes you may just need the larger
images to view the more intricate details. AND if everyone
adopts & adheres to the 1400 or 978 pixel widths that could
mean a lot less image modification work for some of us.
Pretty please?
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this.
Undoubtedly, this soon to all be well buried within the
Forum… but occasionally referenced, going forward.
(For now.)
And tired of typing “Blu” could this be changed to “1.0”?
ADDENDUM:Note: Images ONE and TWO screenshots above were downsized to
978 pixels wide in order to be displayed as they would be
seen under the new 2.0 theme.
AND if you’d care to view an entire 1400 pixel width image
under 2.0 or under Blu, double click the attached image
below entitled THREE.
When composing under the Blu theme you can still pre-define
what size you'd like to have images displayed under the new
2.0 constraints. Keep in mind the 978 pixel wide limitation.

Viewed with browser set @ 100% and under the new 2.0 theme,
this 978 pixel width image still displays @ roughly 540 pixels
wide onscreen. That’s right at 55% of the actual image size.
Browser set @ 133% - it improves to almost 74% of actual size.
Browser set to 100% (viewed under
Blu theme) 100% of 978 pixels.