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Author Topic: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)  (Read 15726 times)


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Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« on: January 28, 2014, 08:52:35 AM »

Howdy folks, Nice to see there are some more OS9.2 audio fans out there  :-X

I just picked up an old 400mhz Pismo G3 loaded with a clean install of os 9.2.2, 1 Gb of Ram & a 10Gb HD (i'm going to upgrade to an internal 60Gb PATA/IDE SSD & clone the HD if i can get it all running) specifically to use in the studio for some synth editors & plug-ins (Pluggo 3.0) that didn't make it to OSX, I've owned cubase since the early 90s on Atari & so i stumbled upon the original Cubase VST 5 disk along with a whole bunch of other plug-ins & apps for 9.2.2 on CD & zip disk (i'm happy to share anything that is not already available), Anyways i installed version 5.0, did all the extensions stuff, assigned 300000 of memory to the app, turned off appletalk etc & launched it, No worries, but the CPU light is flashing in VST performance with no audio running & when i attempted to audition a VSTi the audio was clipping/cutting out, I fiddled about with the track buffers etc in Audio setup but no change, I then disabled audio, the CPU light stopped flashing & i then remembered from back in the day that the audio folder needs to be on an external drive or a separate partition from the cubase app (i think), whilst checking through some more disks i stumbled across the CubaseVST_51r1 Update, so i thought i'd install it to see if it changed anything, It installed i kept the disk in the drive & typed my serial to authorize but when i attempted to launch it, it started then immediately quit...I would be really grateful for any pointers & info on how to get this up & running, my mind has gone a bit blank regarding OS9.2.2 & audio, it's been 10 years since i last used it, going between Cubase 7 on a Mavericks Retina PB & this is pretty strange but i am amazed at how quick cubase loads up on the G3 & I forgot the mac was so simple back then!



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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 09:06:46 AM »

did u follow the directions on how to install on our downloads board?

u need to burn the cd, and actually have the cd in the drive while installing the 5.1 update
the 5.1 update is a full installer that will authorize itself by checking sectors on the cd
this will allow the installation to succeed + be executable + Functional.

ok i see u understand this. frm your post.
u have to trash the cubase preferences inside system folder > preferences
there should b a folder called cubase preferences
and 2 other authorization files maybe one.. i had two on my sawtooth last nite

dont worry our resident experts will have u fixed up in no time u come to the right place;)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 09:12:02 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 10:52:48 AM »


I've d/l the 2 cubase images from the site to see if i get any joy with those, I've just discovered some weirdness regarding a USB pen drive i've been using between OSX on a PPC 10.8 & the Pismo, The Pismo is adding files to the drive (os9 drivers?) & when i opened it on the OSX desktop i couldn't see any files but i could copy to it, I was wondering if it's because it's a USB 3 pendrive (it's faster than the internal HD in the Pismo & half the capacity at 32Gb!)

I'm wondering if i could use it as an external drive with Cubase, that would be pretty cool for switching between the 3 generations of Apple OS i'm now having to use :o

back to the install!



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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2014, 12:01:01 PM »

i wouldnt know i personally dont own any usb3.0 devices (that im aware of) i have a few newer usb thumbdrives but im not sure if they are usb3 compatible..
pretty sure they are still just usb 2.0

mines by ADATA it says UV120 / 16GB on it

i can assure you that all of our cubase installs work great.
i installed cubase 4.1r2 on my sawtooth last nite to revisit the UI (havent seen it since 1998!)


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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2014, 01:39:21 PM »

Well 5.1 Installed fine from the update disk i had, But the CPU light is flashing in VST performance, the meter has no movement & is 0%, But the red light at the far right just flicks away constantly  :-\

No plug ins or anything loaded, I checked the prefs there are 2 which if you remove to trash cubase won't load & the cubase prefs folder which looks like is full of things for the UI graphics?

I'm just using the built in audio, Audio setup is:

audio channels 8

memory per channel 2048

disk block buffer size 256kb

plug in delay compensation on

24bit recording

ASIO is apple sound manager

the latency is 27.234 ms

44100 sample rate

audio clock internal

midi to audio delay 0 samples

I 'initialized' my USB3 Pendrive (Sandisk Ultra 80MB/s max transfer speed) to MAC OS EXTENDED on 9.2.2 & have it plugged into the USB port as a temp HD for the Audio Files Folder & selected it in Audio Setup also but no cigar.

I tried the standalone of FM7 & it works fine without glitching, any ideas where else it's needing a tweak?




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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 08:03:22 PM »

i dont think its quite a good idea to attempt to use usb on a g3 laptop
even on a powermac g4 with a usb 2.0 add on pci.. firewire is still going to perform better i think
remember these things use usb 1.1 protocol. not 2.0.. its not cut out for that..
usb 1.1 would be slower then molasses for any kind of audio files...
if u want to use a external drive of any kind im afraid firewire would be your only option..

DieHard has a method he would reccomend. its a firewire compact flash drive. that lets u use any compact flash memory card as a firewire drive
im probably going to order one.. its basically essentially just like a hard drive dock.. u can replace the inner drive in this device and have a few different compact flashs lyin around ..
and use them as temp drives over firewire...

Diehard was showing me his producly on skype cam last nite ;) hah!

check it out!

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:07:05 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 08:04:41 PM »

Up for Sale is a Brand New Lexar FireWire Compact Flash Reader for MacOS 9 & X or Windows

UPDATE January, 19, 2014: About 3 and a half years ago, I bought my first box of these of today, I'm down to 23 of them

These have been selling quite fast and should be gone by the end of January

My supplier ran out over a year ago and when these are gone...thats it

seems the guys just about out of stock on these items... so get em while you can!
says he takes "best offer" so i might make an offer for 2 of them for like 45-50$
maybe hell go for it;)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:07:57 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Cubase 5.1r1 won't launch but 5.0 will (with issues)
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 12:57:16 PM »

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