using another room only works when the room is directly behind your monitor.
With VNC it can be on other village...
8m of VGA is cheap compared to ADAT. A powered USB extender can come in handy too.
You aproach the machine in other way when you cant hear the fans. Period.
As OP said you can put only the G4 there or you can put also the Digidesign ADAT IO and PSU there.
In my city, the biggest studio (Phil Newell designed) here has the machine room in the back of the engineer(7m) and the recording room in front of. Before protools they had an 486 hard disk recorder from OTARI. Then they moved to a G3 MIX ++ in a machine room. Then they moved to a G4 800 Dual
on the mix room behind the desk for a few month before they could get longer cables. Then moved to G5. Not sure what they have now, but the Genelec and the Protools controller are there almost since begginning.
12 years ago Asereje was made by Queco here:
Recording room
From recording looking to control