because you cant answer it with yes or no.
1. because the question was incomplete and 2. because nobody of us knows everything about it anyway.
it might work for someones applications or not. it will for sure work with a native mac-supported PCI SATA card, used as storage disk, up to 2Gb, in either OS. all the rest is unforeseeable.
i´d love a complete buying guide for every possible G4 upgrade myself. including guarantee, so that i can blame someone else if i dont get it to work.
you will find posts here confirming full compatibilty with the 840 and about a firmware issue with the 850 (which doesnt let you boot from it when i remember right?)
How much may I specify without causing everybody's eyes to glaze over and not reply at all? Perhaps a standard set of information that is considered sufficient?
The EVO 860 would be running in a Sawtooth AGP G4 with a Sonnet 1 GHz upgrade processor, 1 Gb of RAM, three conventional Ultra ATA hard drives (two 750 Gb Barracudas and 1 300 Gb Caviar) all running through ATA to SATA Firmtek/Seritek adapters, going to a Firmtek/Seritek PCI SATA card. The new EVO would be going through the PCI card as well.
The motherboard has been upgraded to the second one used in the Sawtooth series, namely having a uni north = 7 capability, which means it can take dual processors.
The computer natively boots from: System 9.2.X, OS 10.0 through OS 10.4.11, and also from the PowerPC versions of 10.5.X. In addition, it can boot and run on the Power PC versions of Linux, MintPPC, Debian, Ubuntu, etc. The 250 Gb EVO 840 that I have, does work under those conditions and has done so flawlessly. It is getting full.