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Author Topic: OS 9.2.2 clean install - updating index of imac  (Read 2657 times)

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OS 9.2.2 clean install - updating index of imac
« on: January 07, 2020, 04:00:04 PM »

Hi. I recently found an original Bondi blue iMac G3, did a clean install of 9.2.2. Installed in minutes, and I diddled around on it a while with no problems, but when I got up today a windiow says it's "updating index of iMac" and gave me a timeline of 21 hrs to completion. By the time I left for the dentist a couple hours later, it said 24 hrs left, and by the time I got back from the dentist, it said 31 hours left! Now it is 4 hours later and it says 38 hours left!

Should I just restart the thing or leave it to complete it ever lengthening task? Or is this indicative of some serious problem? Assuming (hoping) someone here knows.




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Re: OS 9.2.2 clean install - updating index of imac
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2020, 04:30:23 PM »

you can turn indexing off in sherlock. you can also remove the indexing extensions from the system folder and deinstall sherlock.

sherlock (and spotlight for that matter) is the first thing i throw out after installing a new mac.
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