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Author Topic: Pro Tools 5.1.3 Crackling Problem  (Read 4016 times)

Alan Gregson

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Pro Tools 5.1.3 Crackling Problem
« on: July 14, 2019, 08:21:30 AM »

Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum but I've been using OS9 for nigh on a couple of decades. I've encountered a new problem, though. I'm getting a crackling sound when recording in stereo (or more than one channel). It shows up in the waveform on the right channel of any pair. Mono recording is fine. I've got a big Mix System set up and have tried to diagnose the problem by:

1) Ran Digitest - all 8 cards pass.
2) Tried using only one interface, first the 1622 alone, then an 882 alone, each with the USD disconnected and with the BNC cables removed.
3) Changed the RAM chips.
4) Replaced the DAE folder with a back up.
5) Found a partial solution by switching to 32 voice (1 DSP). This cures the problem, but with obvious drawbacks.

So I'm now stumped. The problem is there whichever internal drive I use. Obviously the computer could be the problem but I'm reluctant to change it as it's got all my TC authorisations on it. Just wondered if anyone else has had a similar problem or could shed any light on probable causes.


Apple Mac G4 Mirror Door 1.25kHz (single processor) OS 9.2 - 2Gb RAM
Magma 13 slot chassis - 3 Core cards, 5 Farm cards
1622 x 1, 882/20 x 3, 888/24 x1, Unitor 8, USD.


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Re: Pro Tools 5.1.3 Crackling Problem
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 11:40:43 AM »

Hi Alan,
I am not sure if I can help, but I had the same experience with my mixsystem a year ago. I think you should check our wordclock connections and if you keep the cable length as short as possible. I have three 888/24 and two 1622 connected in a row but my word clock master comes from my rme octamic. First in the row is the RME octamic, then the digidesign audio converters and at the end I have a Yamaha 02R as the last in the chain terminated. I don't think the reason for your trouble is the computer.

Best, paule.
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