Thanks to joevt and DearthnVader we are making some promising (aptly named ) progress. I'm looking for datasheet of PDC20268 or 20269 IC, but can't find it anywhere. If anyone of you does have it or can help finding one and post here, it would be great.
BTW, still no hear from (S)ATAman?
It's Darth don't call me dearth nVader;-) fscking typo and Mac Rumors won't let me change it.
Anywho, hoping SataMan is ok and doing well.
I don't know how much he can help us or what maybe covered under an NDA he is bound too.
PROMISE didn't want people flashing cheaper non Raid cards to Raid functionality, that's why the lack of data sheets for these cards, that and IP they didn't want to expose to any competition they had.
FrmTk wrote the FCODE ROM for Sonnet and I'm sure they didn't want people flashing PC Cards to Mac and all that would be rapped up in 3 party NDA's. With at least one of those parties now defunct. The copywrite is FrmTk, but the IP is Promise.
It would be nice if there were real abandonware laws, if what the US Constitution says about copywrite for a limited time had not come to mean unlimited. If there were a true push for Open Hardware documentation.
Anyway, there is a check of the PDC Chip used in the PC BIOS, so flashing a PDC20269 with a PDC20270 BIOS won't turn it into a raid card. So there is no reason for Promise to play this game with the device ID and Flashrom. I've reached out to an old contact that knows how to reverse engineer x86 assembly used in this PC BIOS, but maybe we should also try and reverse engineer the PTIFLASH.EXE.
What we have now with the 16k FCODE ROM is really enough, we can leverage the NVRAMRC to automate the boot process loading the full FCODE ROM each boot, it really doesn't effect the way the card performs, it just makes it hard for any eBay sellers to steal our work for their profit.