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Author Topic: Giving Finder more memory in ResEdit  (Read 5908 times)


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Giving Finder more memory in ResEdit
« on: November 25, 2018, 09:32:40 PM »

I'm using OS8.6 I've found these instructions below:
OPTIONAL: Give extra memory to the new System and Finder files for greater stability.

Actually, you can leave the memory requirements to Login, Panels, Classic, Classic Support, and Classic Support UI under OS9 as they are. To increase the memory size of OS9.2.2 System and the Finder:

1. Make a copy of OS9.2.2 System and Finder to the desktop and use ResEdit to open the two files.

2. In the System file, add an extra 100,000 bytes to the SIZE resources number -16472 and -16471 in the Preferred memory size box. While the System file is still opened in ResEdit and you are looking at all the SIZE resource, choose Get Info Resource under the Resource menu of ResEdit. Put a tick in the boxes that say "purgeable", "protected", and "preload". Do it for all SIZE resources. Save the file and quit from ResEdit.

3. In the Finder, you can be relatively generous in the Preferred memory size box of the SIZE resource. Add an extra 1,000,000 bytes. While the Finder file is still opened in ResEdit and you are looking at the SIZE resource, choose Get Info Resource under the Resource menu of ResEdit. Put a tick in the boxes that say "purgeable", "protected", and "preload". Save the file and quit from ResEdit.

4. Move the old Finder and System in the System Folder to the trash. Move the new modified files to the appropriate locations in the System Folder. DO NOT DELETE THE OLD FILES AS YOU MAY NEED THEM IF ANYTHING SHOULD GO WRONG.

5. If you have done it right to this point, the System Folder should show it is active and ready for you to restart using the system software inside.

Before we restart, let us delete and fully rebuild the desktop files. Use the freeware utility TechTool Pro Lite to do the job. The utility will automatically restart your computer.

Should I do this to an 8.6 system, or will I see any benefits from doing it?


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Re: Giving Finder more memory in ResEdit
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 08:35:08 AM »

If it ain't broke...don't fix it

Yeah that's from the famous "OS9 Stability" report which we have discussed here many times

Which, by the way, is pretty much meaningless overall for G4s....
but you did mention the nice gem for OS9.2.2 of increasing the RAM for System and Finder, afair Mactron and I both have been using modified finder and system files forever which helps eliminate "out of memory" finder crashes that seem to plague 9.2.2 only.

Back to the question, I have never had any issues with the finder under 8, so I don't see a need for the modification;  I would only do it as a fix if you are having an issue related to the finder locking up and running out of memory.  To clarify, if your not getting a system error, don't fu%$k with it.


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Re: Giving Finder more memory in ResEdit
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 05:54:35 PM »

i´ve always been doing it, it doesnt cost much to add +5mb after all.

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