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Author Topic: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor  (Read 6290 times)


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OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« on: October 05, 2018, 07:33:16 AM »

How can I get OS 9 installed on an iMac G3 (Rev. D, tray-load) with a Sonnet Harmoni G3 processor already installed (and with a trashed hard drive)?

When I got this iMac, it had the Harmoni processor installed and was running 10.3.5.  I don’t have the original processor or CDs.  The Harmoni manual describes these steps for installation:

1.   Run the Harmoni installation (requires Mac OS 8.1 through 9.x)
2.   Install the processor

At this point, if you wanted to upgrade from 8.1 to 9.x, the manual states to use the original OS 9 disks and do Mac OS 9 Install/Perform Clean Installation.

I was able to boot from the MacOS9Lives 9.2.2 Universal Install - ISO CD Image, run Drive Setup, and start Apple Software Restore.  In ASR, I selected the option to erase the hard drive before restoring.  About half way through the restore process, however, I got this message:

Restoring the software configuration “MacOS9Lives.img” to volume “MacOS9Lives” failed.

I tried to boot from the CD a few more times, but the process froze before Drive Setup started.  The CD drive on this computer has been somewhat flakey, e.g., sometimes it would take several attempts to read a disk.

Now when I power on the machine, I see the floppy disk icon with a blinking question mark and hear a loud clicking sound.  I tried Command-Option-Shift-Power button, same result.

My concern is that in the process of erasing the hard drive, I erased the file(s) installed as part of the Harmoni installation process.  The Perform Clean Installation, as recommended by Sonnet, and as I understand it, would create a new System Folder but not erase the entire hard disk.

To recover, can I do this?
1.   Remove the hard drive from the iMac and install it in my Quicksilver 733.
2.   Use the OS 9.2.2 Universal Install - ISO CD Image to boot the Quicksilver and install 9.2.2 on the hard drive.
3.   Run the Harmoni G3 Installer (to get the necessary files on the hard drive).  Very nice of Sonnet to still make this available on their website!
4.   Remove the hard drive from the Quicksilver and reinstall in the iMac.

Any other options?  I have another G3 iMac with 9.2.2, but it’s a slot loader, G3/500 DV SE Summer 2000.  I don’t have an external FW drive, but I’d get one if that provides a better solution.  I’m really mad at myself.  I knew this was an issue with the Harmoni drivers, but was too eager to get OS 9 running.

Thanks for reading all the way through this sad tale.



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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2018, 01:59:47 PM »

You seem to have a classic chicken or the egg situation there. Since the Sonnet protocol says to install the Harmoni files and then swap the proc, it sounds like your idea will work. The only hiccup I can see would be if the Harmoni installer looks to verify it's on a proper G3 machine before writing the files. If that happens though, the most likely result is the installer will hang and present you with a nicely worded message telling you you're an idiot for trying to put a G3 upgrade in a G4 machine and you'll be no worse off for it.

If that happens, you'll then have to do what you probably should do anyway: Replace the bad disc drive in your iMac. From your description, that looks to be what started your problem. I'd hate to be the one to tell you that you may just have to get a FW enclosure to write the files using your other iMac, but…

Of course, there's always the possibility that you do that, then discover the Harmoni installer refuses to recognize the iMac 500 too…
…and we're back to chicken vs. egg.

Try your idea. You probably have nothing to lose and it just might work. Good luck!


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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2018, 02:58:01 PM »

Gary, thanks so much for your thoughts on this.  I'll wrestle with getting the iMac open this weekend and give it a try.  I've been checking Craigslist for an early iMac that's compatible with the Harmoni to write the files in case the install on a G4 doesn't work, but that's mostly wishful thinking.  You're right about the CD drive, so I'll need to do some studying and see what I can use as a replacement.  i'd hate to lose the color-coordinated Blueberry tab on the CD tray!

Thanks again,



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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2018, 08:58:52 PM »

i'd hate to lose the color-coordinated Blueberry tab on the CD tray!
I think you'll find the colored tab is removable and transferable to a replacement drive.


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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2018, 02:06:22 PM »

They didn’t call me an idiot (although I felt like one), but the nice folks at Sonnet did give me this message when I tried to run the Harmoni installer on my Quicksilver:

“The Installer cannot be used on this computer.  An iMac 233/266/333 mHz, Rev. A-D is required.”

So, at this point it looks like my best option is to get an original processor, install it in place of the Harmoni, run the Harmoni installer, then reinstall the Harmoni processor.  A lot of steps, but I was reminded of the well thought-out design of the G3 iMacs as I was taking this one apart.  There’s an entire logic board/processor/frame on ebay for less than $40 shipped, and all I would have to do is swap in the RAM and VRAM. 

My only question at this point is logic board compatibility with my iMac.  The sticker on the case indicates it’s a 333 mHz, which would be Revision D, but labels on some of the cables and connectors indicate Revision A.   

What I’ve read so far suggests the logic board is the same for all versions and only the processor on a “daughter card” is different.  The board on eBay (
has the same part number (820-0980-A), same video processor (ATI Rage Pro Turbo) and same label on the ribbon cable (600-6743) as the board in my iMac, so it looks like a good match.  But, if any iMac G3 experts are reading this, please let me know if I’m headed down the wrong path.  I’ll contact the eBay seller to see if he has more info on the board.

Gary, thanks again for your help thinking this through.  I’ll report back on my progress.

I see now the faceplate on the CD drawer is removable!



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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2018, 06:46:31 PM »

I understand Sonnet G3 Harmoni processors are pretty rare, but just in case someone else runs into this situation, the Harmoni installer runs only on 233/266/333 mHz slot-loading iMacs.  Installer software along with the manual is available on the Sonnet site (

When I ran the Harmoni installer, it required I also run the firmware updater.  I was able to get the "iMac Firmware Update 1.2: Document and Software" here:

I installed OS 9 on the iMac's hard drive by inserting the drive in a working PowerMac G4.  I was lucky to find an entire iMac "sled" with motherboard, processor, etc. all in one piece.  I had to remove the sled that contained the Harmoni processor, install the OS 9 hard drive on the "stock" sled and insert it into the iMac.  When I started the Harmoni installer, it required that I run the firmware updater first, then return to run the Harmoni installer.  After that, I swapped the hard drive back to sled with the Harmoni processor, installed the sled, and everything worked!

All this could have been avoided with more careful planning and backups, but it wouldn't have been as exciting. 


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Re: OS9 install on iMac G3 with Sonnet Processor
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2018, 11:28:49 PM »

Nothing like perseverance! Glad you made it happen.
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