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Author Topic: Mac g4 350 and Pro Tools LE 5 help  (Read 3713 times)


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Mac g4 350 and Pro Tools LE 5 help
« on: March 08, 2018, 01:16:35 PM »

When I picked up my first Mac, bought new, I purchased ag4 400. I then bought pro tools le5. For years it worked fine.  Then hard drive crashed several years back.  I recently picked up and g4 graphite 350 similar to my original one.  Starts up and runs 9.2.2. I’m trying to figure out how to not screw things up.  I lost my original startup protools cd and am starting over.  I’d love rove to retrieve my music files...desperately.  The files were stored on a maxtor 80 gig which I installed to store and access material as pro tools wants the original hard drive to exclusivly to run the program.  I still have my digi 001 rack, cables, and card.  How can I do this salvage project without putting the wrong foot forward.  I had found on your site a pro tools le5 download for free.  Is this the path for me?  Any response is greatly appreciated and I thank you ahead of time-adam


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Re: Mac g4 350 and Pro Tools LE 5 help
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2018, 03:37:41 PM »

you are in the right place to get this accomplished
theres plenty of documentation on the digi 001 for u to find if you search!
good luck to you!

feel free to ask any questions
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