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Author Topic: is there fix for finder crash during startup? (other than cmd-option-esc)  (Read 5341 times)


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macosPlus discussed this recently i think..
i just loaded up my quicksilver 933 for the first time in about a year..
and ive got the infamous finder crash at startup.. i hve to cmd-option escape out of it everytime i boot
is there any "fix" for this? to make it happen automatically without having to do it manually? ie:script?
i vaguely remember fndign a solution for this but the memory eludes me at this time
can anyone jog my memory with any pertinent details?? anyone know of a solution to this?


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If you drop into MacsBug, maybe it will tell you the name of the offending process/extension. Conflict Catcher could also help. It would be way easier if someone could just tell you the solution. I am not that someone  :(


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thank u for those suggestions Daniel!
i will try to check into them further!


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my favourite cure for any obscure crashes is to shut off, disconnect the powerline, then shut on/off to unload PSU and onboard caps a couple of times, reconnect power and start again.
It even saved the infamous 'sad mac' hardware failure a couple of times.


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Re: is there fix for finder crash during startup? (other than cmd-option-esc)
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2018, 06:22:03 AM »

anyone else have any basic mac wisdom to share?
would love to know the quick fix to this problem as my QS is taking like 3-4min to show icons after desktop arrives on boot atm


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Re: is there fix for finder crash during startup? (other than cmd-option-esc)
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2018, 08:43:11 AM »

according to my own experience... not really.
If you're lucky it may help to save a couple of things, but memory remains (usually) in a messed up state and it will crash again.


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Re: is there fix for finder crash during startup? (other than cmd-option-esc)
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2018, 10:10:12 AM »

There's a few different things that can cause this finder behavior, so there is a few different solutions also.
A first you should move the preferences folder from the system folder (don't trash it !! ) and restar the Mac to check if a system or finder prefs. file is causing the issue. If this not solve the problem, restore this folder to its proper place and try another thing.
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