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Author Topic: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?  (Read 21299 times)

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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2017, 08:53:45 AM »

Thank you again, Gary N!! Very useful to know about Carbon etc. and how/why to prevent indexing of OS9 in Spotlight.

I dragged my System 9 Folder and my Mac OS 9 Apps folder and a folder with everything I DLd here into Spotlight privacy, but I still have 3 downloads of uninstalled OS9 on my desktop, until I decide if and how to save any.

I have Disk Warrior 4.1, is that okay?

Does journaling limit the space it uses by erasing old info?

The aliases were a response to my original hard drive having problems and filling up, not the cause. It was down to so little free space it's a miracle it could be cloned. (I forget the rule of thumb on how much free space to have but I probably had less than 1% of that!). In fact the Cloned Tiger partition might not have any problems at all, now that it has 8GB breathing room (other than a lot of things in its librairies that I may not need).

Nonetheless I'm going to see how far I can get setting up the Fresh Tiger partition new and (mostly) legit. The only copy I have of CS2 is in Spanish, but I guess that makes more sense to use than PS 6. Or maybe I will install both to try to learn translations easier. Atm I am trying to open a .toast image of iLife08 with either Toast 8 or Disk Utility. I can make a dmg with Disk Utility but it opens to the .toast file. It's like "Russian dolls".

Also apparently I don't understand partitions at all, because when I was instaliing Word in Spanish on my Fresh Tiger partition I ended up with my Office 04 version of Word from the Cloned Tiger partition open in the Fresh Tiger partition too. Nice, but not on purpose!

I thought the beauty of having a Fresh Tiger partition was not worrying about whether I messed up the software that came on the cloned int hdd, but now I'm not so sure!!

I will never run out of questions, but I do have OS 9 installed! I appreciate all the time you've already spent responding, and I hope that the fire is contained if not extinguished
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2017, 02:22:31 PM »

I dragged my System 9 Folder and my Mac OS 9 Apps folder and a folder with everything I DLd here into Spotlight privacy, but I still have 3 downloads of uninstalled OS9 on my desktop, until I decide if and how to save any.
My advice regarding this applies only to a dual-boot setup where OSX resides on one volume / partition and OS9 on a different volume.
This is the best, most reliable way to keep directory corruption from happening.

So, one more time:

All of your OS9 stuff, System and apps want to be on a separate partitioned volume created when you first set up the drive, or on a separate drive.
Then you "privatize" that entire partition - not just the folders. You're trying to prevent OSX from writing stuff in the directory area of the OS9 stuff.
It's not the apps that get corrupted, it's the drive directory header.
For example, I have a completely separate drive in my MDD for OS9. To protect it, I simply dragged the drive icon itself onto the Spotlight privacy list in OSX thereby causing Spotlight to completely ignore the entire OS9 drive.
I have Disk Warrior 4.1, is that okay?

Does journaling limit the space it uses by erasing old info?


Toast 8 should open a toast disk image, so I don't know what's up there.
You evidently have two installations of Word. You should get rid of one of them. They litter shit all over your drive(s) and generally make a mess.

and finally;
The Napa fires are either out or contained finally, so we're breathing easier, both figuratively and literallly. Thanks.

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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2017, 06:41:11 AM »

Then maybe I will take 9 off the new partition and privatize the entire cloned partition. Or possibly make a third partition with nothing but 9. Not sure if I can do that, will have to investigate the Disk Utility options. At least I know not to move them off the int hdd with aliases!!:•)

Glad to hear the fires are out in your area.

Thank you again for all the help!
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2017, 01:53:11 PM »

IIO is wrong. He's making the same guess that I did. Trust me, I looked - it ain't there - there was another companion disc.

it should have read "on any OSX disc which came with apple hardware which supports the classic enviroment".

luckily this "dmg" install os floating around everywhere on the interwebz including this site.
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2017, 01:57:09 PM »

in behalf of the original question i would also like to add that

 - photoshop 5 requires macos9 because it is a mac os only app. 6.5 elements was the first carbon build.

 - if you are unsure about distributions or installations it could be a good idea to use a firewire disk for a first max os 9 test.
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2017, 02:51:40 PM »

AND... Photoshop 7.1 and Illustrator 10.0.3 are available via (Photoshop 7.1 runs on G4's and G5's, OS9 and Tiger... without all the baggage and clutter of the Adobe CS package).

I have tested identical file tasking in both 7.1 and the Photoshop CS package on the same large image file... and Photoshop 7.1 was MUCH faster on the G4 and G5... and OS9 Photoshop 7.1 versus Photoshop CS on a G5.

Of course, it takes a while to download and build your install CDs from MacGarden, but it was entirely worth it for me.

And yes, inexpensive Firewire drives are abundant and readily available.
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2017, 03:27:34 AM »

Thank you for the additional information, will look into it and take it into consideration!
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2017, 06:37:30 AM »

It occurs to me that your simplest workaround here might be to score an older Airport base station which you can find for dirt cheap on fleabay or even Craigslist. You then set that near their POS router and plug it into an ethernet jack directly thereby going around their Wi-Fi.

Hey Gary... this sounds like an interesting idea... might give this a try myself as I have the evil Time Warner/Rectum!!  ;D


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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2017, 02:49:44 PM »

You think it's bad now? If they get their way, it will soon be AT&TTW ! A perfect merger of incompetence and arrogance.


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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2017, 10:28:15 PM »

AND... Photoshop 7.1 and Illustrator 10.0.3 are available via (Photoshop 7.1 runs on G4's and G5's, OS9 and Tiger... without all the baggage and clutter of the Adobe CS package).

I have tested identical file tasking in both 7.1 and the Photoshop CS package on the same large image file... and Photoshop 7.1 was MUCH faster on the G4 and G5... and OS9 Photoshop 7.1 versus Photoshop CS on a G5.

interesting observation; ill drop this here for reference purposes:

photoshop versions > min os requirements
v1.0       Feb 1990 > Mac OS System 6
v2.0      jun 1991 > Mac OS System 6
v2.5      nov 1992 > Mac OS System 6
v3.0      sep 1994 > Mac OS System 7
v4.0      nov 1996 > Mac OS System 7
v5.0      may 1998 > Mac OS System 7.5
v5.5      feb 1999 > Mac OS System 7.6
v6.0      sep 2000 > Mac OS System 8.5
v7.0      mar 2002  > Mac OS System 9.1
CS      oct 2003 > Mac OSX Jaguar / Panther
CS2      apr 2005 > Mac OSX Jaguar / Panther
CS3      apr 2007 > Mac OSX Tiger
CS4      oct 2008 > Mac OSX Leopard
CS5      apr 2010 > Mac OSX Snow Leopard
CS6      may 2012 > Mac OSX Mountain Lion
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 01:21:33 PM by macStuff »

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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2018, 09:41:07 AM »

Hello, I’m back, haha! With a broken wrist scheduled for surgery. Not much else I can do so I hope to straighten out software on my old laptops. I never did find all the drivers and software for my new Tiger install, even after I solved getting OS9 onto the new int hdd. So I have decided to clone my 2nd partition that was previously cloned (and repaired) from my original hdd, in hopes that its problems were mostly due to lack of space. This will simplify things and I should end up with my cloned Tiger partition at the root level. I eventually had fixed my OS 9 issue, but I will be cloning the partition I want to an external firewire drive and back, and I’m not sure what will happen to OS 9 in the process. Also I seem to remember it was best to have OS9 separate from Tiger, and once I only have one Tiger install it should be easier to have a separate OS9 partition which I seem to remember was recommended. Can anyone point me in the right direction before I waste time doing things the wrong way? I realize this is a beginner question, but the point of this is that my old ti-book running Tiger is the only laptop that I can print from, and I have mountains of writing to do to deal with all the issues after landing on my face falling from a bike.
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OS 9 & Tiger
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2018, 11:28:13 AM »

Here goes…

Assuming that you now have a suitable Firewire drive to copy/clone your Tiger OS to (with whatever necessary drivers and software that you might have acquired up to this point) …you might want to copy/ clone/ test/ that first. AND check it for bootability before going any further. Once you can boot Tiger from that Firewire drive (“Option key” boot and/or selecting it as startup drive under system prefs beforehand) you’re on your way.

Of course, before doing any of that… you might want to partition your Firewire drive into 2 or 3 partitions, recognizable via OS 9 and Tiger on your PB as it is now. AND I’d do this format/ partitioning using the disk utility available in OS 9.

Once you’ve established that you can boot Tiger from the FW drive copy/clone (as this seems to be your current-use priority) you might then move/clone (in a similar manner) your OS 9 to a second partition on that same FW drive and check it also for bootability. Once these two steps are successful… wipe/ format/ partition/ your Powerbook’s HD and then move OS 9 and Tiger back to their own separate partitions on what I’ve assumed is now a 120GB HD in your PowerBook.

Note: I just checked my retail version of Tiger (10.4.6 - Apple MA453Z/A) and it is a single disk version (without OS 9 to be found anywhere… not even as a “Classic” type of installation). AND, I do not see the option of installing OS 9 drivers via Tiger’s Disk Utility, under partitioning. Thusly, you may also need to format and partition your PB’s HD with OS 9 first, before then “re-installing” Tiger from your FW drive.

Ideally, most prefer clean installs of both Tiger and OS 9 on their freshly wiped and partitioned PB HD and then simply dragging back those items needed from the backup… BUT nobody knows what software and/or drivers you have and need, so that’s a matter completely of your own personal preference. AND… original software install disc sets for your specific PB are ultimately the best starting point to then build upon, to where you now want to be OS and software-wise. Nothing quite like undertaking such a task, while suffering some other malady?

Hope this helps. :)

What drivers / software are you currently missing?
And… sorry ‘bout the wrist. :o

After reading back through this entire thread "just a few" more times… if you’ve enough time before your wrist surgery AND if you have installer copies of most of the software packages that you need / want…  it seems like the best course might be exactly as GaryN suggested early-on. (See Gary’s first post in this thread.) Back it up, reformat the HD in the PB and begin absolutely fresh… installing OS 9 on one partition and then Tiger on the other. Then, install whatever software you’re going to need the most, first, on whichever OS partition is best-suited.

In your case at present, that would seem to be Word.

Then methodically begin installing other software packages as needed. Photoshop 5 to 7.1, MOTU DP, and then Final Cut 4/5. However, if this PB is also your primary internet terminal, then setting that up might be your absolute first priority. Your machine will run faster and better.

As this PowerBook seems to be your “kitchen sink” workhorse, fresh & clean OS installs are the numero uno route. Definitely a PITA but (surprisingly) will save time and many possible future headaches in the long-long run. [Yes, I’ve been lost “there” (and here) before.]
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 02:49:05 PM by FdB »
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2018, 08:39:14 AM »

Thank you FdB. I had a fresh partition, then a second cloned partition, but I am giving up on the fresh one (because of software and drivers I don’t have). Of course if they were in the opposite order I could just erase the second partition.  And the original internal hard drive had some damaged sectors which I repaired in the copy, so that is why I’m not cloning from it again. I never had a separate OS9 partition. So I guess I will just find out if it works like it originally did after I clone. That is what I don’t understand how to do, set up the separate OS9 partition. I think I just have OS9 as a folder.
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2018, 10:27:15 AM »

Hey AL,

And finally…
with a bootable FW backup of your current working system secured… DL and burn a copy of the OS 9.2 Universal Installer from here:,2109.0.html to use as a 9.2 installer. Once that’s done, “Option” boot from that CD (and just before the actual install of OS 9.2) open the disk utility that comes with it and format / partition your HD into 2 partitions. (One for 9.2 and the other for whatever version of OS X that you require, afterwards.) Then do the OS 9.2 install.

Your PB originally came with 9.2.1 & OS 10.1 but your current “catch” trying to install a standalone OS 9.2 on a separate partition probably derives from 10.4.6 not providing the option of using / installing OS 9 drivers on any partition. So, install and partition with the Universal OS 9.2 first… and then do the format and clean install of 10.4.6 on the remaining partition… afterwards. (Unless you just want to drag your cloned copy back from the FW drive.)

From a thread dealing with a similar “issue” see:,4556.msg32805.html#msg32805 You can read the entire thread for laughs if you’d like… but that Reply #31 sums it up.

Or, if you’ve copies of the original OS 10.1 installer disks for your PB, you could start there partitioning and installing OS 9 drivers on one partition… AND then install OS 9.2 from the Universal installer. You can then “link” to OS 9.2 as your go-to "Classic" version (if you’d like) in OS 10.4.6 but few, ever do.

And then (clean install or not) if you want to simply move your cloned 10.4.6 partition contents back after this, there will be an open partition available for it. You might choose to format it as journaled, using your OS 10.4.6 install disk after the OS 9 install… but maybe not. [Depends, I suppose on your cloned partitioned’s format (from the FW drive).]

Do let us know how it all goes. Seems you’ve plenty to do... one-handed.

Best of luck. :)
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Re: need to install os9/Classic in Tiger so software will install?
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2018, 06:10:03 PM »

Photoshop wouldn't install because the VISE installer wanted to see OS9.

photoshop 7 and the tassmann demo/free version are the only apps i know which are carbon, run in both systems, but only come with an installer for either OS.

i guess your best bet is to install that on a seperate OS9 machine and transfer it over.
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