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Author Topic: Hardware Samplers  (Read 43247 times)


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2014, 04:35:24 PM »

On the flip side, I didn't find ANY scsi sample transfer on Win platform, I tried all I could find, there was always some problem, so I moved to 68k Mac and BINGO! problem solved all my wave data transfers are via Mac scsi

id be interested to know a bit more about which hardware combinations u did try (synth-sampler / cpu / mb chipset / scsi component) and using which versions of windows (win3.11, win95, win95osr2, win98, win98se, winme, win2k, winxp) also which filesystem (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) + amount of ram..
scsi must work with windows theres got to be a reason you somehow overlooked.. the one thing macs had up on pcs
was consistancy with hardware parts + software... pcs were always collections of random equipment put together by random people in random configurations that could never be as extensively tested as macs.. so unless u live in a parallel dimension where microsoft actually made its own hardware + software combinations.. theres no way to foresee the possible hardware or software conflicts.. then again u have the big pc makers, compaq, dell, gateway but they usually never came with high end or quality parts  that you really wanted. but they must have had working scsi.
i can see it being some type of lesser known/documented issue that needs to be manually corrected. such as adjusting the parallel mode in bios to epp 1.7 vs epp 1.9 mode to get midi to work over parallel with a motu midi interface. before this change.. it simply doesnt work.. there must be a reason.. there usually is a real reason why things dont work. 99.9% of the time.. even if u arent aware.. chances are someone else is aware and knows the fix

« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 04:47:31 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2015, 03:02:09 PM »

I have an Akai s3000xl which works with a Belkin USB SCSI adapter and recycle. However my SCSI capable Akai S1000 never did, so I tried to use Passport Alchemy and equally had no luck there over SCSI......and am currently trying to get it to work over OMS midi through an Emagic AMT8  to transfer samples to/ from a Casio FZ1.

Has anyone had success with Akai S1000 SCSI and Recycle/Alchemy, or have any hints as to how to make them marry up?

Thanks, this is a hell of a place ye have here


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2015, 01:47:03 PM »

Has anyone managed to get the demo download of 'Antares Infinity' to work? i've tried on my Beige G3 but it says its looking for a scsi drive.


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2015, 12:14:23 AM »

Yes I get Antares Infinity to work on my selection of old Macs I tend to have it on PPC OS9, however it runs PACE that allows a 30 day try out then it locks out. I believe it writes code to the master boot record on the hd that contains the OS and needs a unique reg code to unlock.
It gives me this "challenge" - MATE LESS ECHO RENT AMY PITH NAIR HOPE, I assume that is entered into a encrypter at Antares and it returns a similar bunch of 4 letter words that when entered into the password at my end unlocks it.

Anyway, I have version 2.55 before they changed from PACE to iLok (I think) that I gather won't work at all with Mac OS9, I may have tried the later version but I recall I had problems with that.
BTW: I'm a big fan of Passport's Alchemy 3.0 and scsi.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 04:51:50 AM by English_Mac »


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2015, 12:07:20 PM »

I have a Roland S770 with 16 Mb RAM as well as a Roland S760 with 32 Mb. I have long wondered if there was any way of using these via SCSI on OS9. Haven't tried recycle in at least 5 years so do not recall if the Rolands were supported there either. Anyone know?


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2015, 12:54:13 PM »

I have an MPC-1000 with the JJOS. That thing works great. The JJOS is worth a try too (I'm using the free version). After I put the JJOS on there, editing sample took half the time. I made this really cool tune just using samples of my girfriend playing her guitar. I still think I might try recycle to speed things up, but I don't know if its really needed yet.

There's nothing like using a real hardware sampler, it feels more like a real instrument. I'm hoping ambelton to work as my sequencer, as I got kind of the same feeling when I was finally trying that out yesterday:)


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2015, 01:45:51 PM »

using ableton as a remix/reconstruct/resequencer/sampler is the best use of it by far!!
and then feeding its multitrack outs to a multitrack in on a traditional recording app such as logic/cubase/protools


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2015, 09:34:55 PM »

I was trying Bias Peak 2.5 for SDS to ESi-32 which works :) (easy and simple way to load small samples without the hassle of scsi) and in the Ensoniq EPS16+ section of the manual says, it is not compatible with PPC scsi!  :o

I do wonder as my EPS16+ scsi doesn't seem to work quite as it did before I connected it to a PPC so it might actually damage the EPS16+ scsi chip  >:(

i think the scsi connection has to be SCSI-1 format compatible
which card were u using on the ppc mac? because ive read the one i have is decent. Adaptec 2906 pci apparently will support the old standard SCSI-1 on ppc mac os 9 - windows 3.1 will also.. but not windows 95.

what about alchemy? did u try that?


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2015, 01:53:38 AM »

Mac PPC scsi was 4400 or 9500 both come with scsi built in. I seem to recall I put ISA/PCI scsi cards into a Win 98 machine but got problems with buss grab/ownership which the Macs don't seem to have problems with.

For example, in the scsi chain I had the EPS + Ensoniq formatted HD + Win98/scsi card. I can then access the HD from Win but the EPS is locked out, it cannot get access to the HD. Similairly next time on bot up, if I access the HD from the EPS, the the Win98 can't see the HD. I tried two types of scsi card, one was an Adaptec 2xxx series, I forget the exact model. I think one of these damaged the EPS's scsi chip but can't be 100% sure.

However, I don't have this problem on the Mac. (I prefer to use 68k Macs on this system)

Alchemy is great works perfect with Mac/EPS16+ scsi, my EPS16+ library is huge, all errors corrected, loops declicked  -afro-


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2015, 06:52:53 AM »

for the windows scsi u have to use a dos scsi driver that is the only one that is scsi-1 compatible

thats what i read anyway

basically by 1995 they tried to improve the scsi performance and in doing so they ruined compatibility with some older devices


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2015, 07:42:02 AM »

 :-[ maybe i have overstepped the mark regarding Alchemy 3. I now have an E6400 and wanted to do SMDI transfers (sample data transfers using SCSI). So I hooked up my OS9 machine only to find Alchemy doesn't seem to like it, SMDI didn't work!

As I have an identical PPC Mac running OS7 I did the same thing there and Alchemy did the SMDI transfers to the E6400 no problem!!  :o


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2015, 10:33:13 AM »

from what i understand it works with the older macs because they use the SCSI1 spec by default
the mac os 9 driver needs to be configured somehow to work only in SCSI1 rather then SCSI2/SCSI3 speed/datarate
or it wont work

u could of course bypass configuring it if u were to find a specific SCSI PCI card that supports only SCSI1
but yes.. ive read many people have had no problems with the older really ancient macs SCSI
and always a problem with 8.6+ because it supports faster SCSI rates that are not compatible

but from what i understand these cards can still support SCSI1 if they are configured to adhere to that slow old scsi speed that the
sampler understands


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Re: Hardware Samplers
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2015, 03:11:16 AM »

Don't forget the Ensoniq samplers, I use 'em with Macs, they are what got me into Macs in the first place.
Basically, EPS16+ works with Mac scsi that is what I have and use. I gather the EPS scsi wasn't that great as it was still being invented at the time so might not work. ASR scsi I think does work with Mac scsi. The Mirage doesn't have scsi only MIDI for which I wrote a editor for Win95/98, I think someone has now done a better version. BTW: Macs do not handle Ensoniq floppies, same old problem, simply different tech, don't waste time on this, Giebler has EDM for DOS which does this perfectly.
On the flip side, I didn't find ANY scsi sample transfer on Win platform, I tried all I could find, there was always some problem, so I moved to 68k Mac and BINGO! problem solved all my wave data transfers are via Mac scsi

apparently in improving the windows scsi drivers in windoes 95.. this is what broke compatibility with alot of samplers
on the windows platform.. but i read that it is possible to use alot of the samplers with windows 3.11 - only trouble is windows 3.11 is a huge pain in the ass for most people and not something they would want to waste time on getting familiar with..
but the scsi drivers in windows 3.1 are scsi-1 compatible with ensoniq samplers the same way they are compatible with 68k macs.. (this is 2nd hand knowledge, i have no 1st hand experience)

i also read there was a workaround to get it to work on windows 95/98 (SCSI-1 compatible) which involved deleting the scsi driver files in windows and loading a DOS TSR version of the scsi driver that was compatible.. but this was tricky + beyond most people
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