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Author Topic: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo  (Read 13586 times)


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"Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:35:05 PM »

I keep getting that system message all the time. I'm using Nuendo 1.5.2 with a Tascam US-122 interface. My Mac is a Titanium 1ghz PB with 1gb of RAM. CPU use never goes past 40%. I don't experience any slow down in performance when the message appears, but is annoying because it interferes with my workflow, every 10 seconds or so. Is this a Nuendo related issue? Or a system related issue? Is there something i can tweak (daw or system level) to solve this? Total noob with OS 9, so i'm kinda lost. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2016, 12:43:46 PM »

I keep getting that system message all the time. I'm using Nuendo 1.5.2

It has been mentioned before that this version of Nuendo was a complete scratch re/write and has Many bugs.  We offer it here in our library for people that need it, but I strongly recommend you use VST 5 on 9.2.2 since it is the "last revision" of a product and is very stable as opposed to the first revision of something that got much better later on, IMO.


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2016, 01:14:06 PM »

Thanks for your response DieHard. I'm aware of what you say about this version of Nuendo. I have read the posts related to that issue. However, i have about 10 Nuendo projects that were started in the early 2000's and then abandoned. My wish is to complete and finish them.  I have an original copy of Nuendo 2 in my OS X machine, and it will open the N1 projects fine, but certain aspects of the mixes are not retained, like the built-in chorus settings. That's because the plug-ins in v1 and v2 have subtle differences in controls and options, and some parameters just doesn't exist anymore in N2. I want to stick to the original sound as much as i can, so i need Nuendo 1. I think Cubase VST won't open Nuendo projects, but i might be wrong. Also, the "not enough memory left" issue may not be related to Nuendo at all, right?


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2016, 07:59:57 PM »

Thanks for your response DieHard. I'm aware of what you say about this version of Nuendo. I have read the posts related to that issue. However, i have about 10 Nuendo projects that were started in the early 2000's and then abandoned. My wish is to complete and finish them.  I have an original copy of Nuendo 2 in my OS X machine, and it will open the N1 projects fine, but certain aspects of the mixes are not retained, like the built-in chorus settings. That's because the plug-ins in v1 and v2 have subtle differences in controls and options, and some parameters just doesn't exist anymore in N2. I want to stick to the original sound as much as i can, so i need Nuendo 1. I think Cubase VST won't open Nuendo projects, but i might be wrong. Also, the "not enough memory left" issue may not be related to Nuendo at all, right?

OK, I gotcha... so what I have done in similar situations...
1) Open the project in V1 (I am assuming it is still opening)
2) Export/Bounce each track in both RAW (no effects, but with any edits included) and also with all effects applied and make sure the markers are selected for the whole song (even if there are massive holes of no audio segments)
3) Bring all the audio into... Nuendo 2 (OSX) or Cubase VST 5 OS9
4)  Start the remix in the new DAW selected, you will still have all fixes/edits (and volume automation) and you will have the choice of the original DAW effects applied or re-doing effects on each track


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2016, 09:25:04 PM »

Yes, i've done that many times in the past, i'm used to it, but this time i was hoping to be able to mix the tracks in their original host. I guess it won't be possible for now, the other option being to get a Windows computer with Nuendo 1.6.2. I remember it to be very stable, but i don,t know for sure. The "not enough memory left" pops up when using Bias Peak too. I can't understand why, so if you've got any idea please let me know. I have virtual memory turned off, because of my 1gb of RAM. My processor speed is 1ghz. Shouldn't be that enough for being able to work without to many hassles?


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2016, 11:14:41 PM »

whats the machines current memory config?(size x chips) ?etc


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2016, 02:54:54 AM »

How much RAM is allocated to the Nuendo application?
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 06:10:29 AM »

Problem solved! I didn't know about the memory allocation thing. I've changed that for Nuendo (from 70mb to 90mb) and all is fine now. I have little to no experience with OS 9, please excuse my ignorance. How many memory should I assign to a DAW? Will 90 mb be enough? Thanks for all the feedback guys!


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2016, 08:26:54 AM »

I allways overdo the allocation since I have a lot of RAM. I think I allocated 256mb to Pro Tools alone or something like that. Allocate as much as you can without crippling applications you need to run at the same time :)
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2016, 09:31:47 AM »

Give it 300,000 to 400,000 (300 to 400 MB) since you have a gig of ram :)


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2016, 06:32:37 AM »

After following Die Hard's advice and assigning Nuendo a good amount of memory, and disabling Quicktime Exchange, all have been working fine. In fact, i haven't experienced a single crash in about ten days of intensive usage. So at least for me, Nuendo seems to be pretty reliable. Anyway, i'll download Cubase VST and give it a try for future projects. Thank you all!


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2016, 09:24:41 AM »

i have to say for the record that i  also used nuendo to produce a track 2 years back and it never once crashed on me!!!! i never experienced any errors at all . i only used the program for about 1 week tho.


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2019, 01:49:17 AM »

After following Die Hard's advice and assigning Nuendo a good amount of memory, and disabling Quicktime Exchange, all have been working fine. In fact, i haven't experienced a single crash in about ten days of intensive usage. So at least for me, Nuendo seems to be pretty reliable. Anyway, i'll download Cubase VST and give it a try for future projects. Thank you all!

ive never seen it crash either; tho i heard other people say it was buggy as hell i never saw it crash i made a few tracks with it
i actually really dig the interface of it;
could it be that the crashes were all related to lack of harddrive performance speeed back in the day? (ie a moot pt in this day + age)

oops just realized im resonding to a 2 year old thread a response i already left lol


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Re: "Not enough memory left" message using Nuendo
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2021, 06:29:08 PM »

i could be wrong but i think the same thign happened to me when i had over 1gb of ram installed on my g4 sawtooth..... and that removing extra ram going back down to the "max" of 1gb solved it
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