I don't think anyone has suggested SuperFinder yet, so I will

Either that, or how about we just call it Finder 9.3 or something simple like that? Then it can blend in more, kind of like a natural evolution of the original Finder, rather than a rewritten replacement, and thus be more consistent with the rest of the UI as originally designed by Apple.
And, I think having a simple toolbar (and maybe also either a Windows-style "address bar" or OS X-style "path bar") in the style of Windows 95 (but without the on-window menu bar, since the omnipresent one at the top of the screen would render it redundant) slotted between the title bar and status bar would be useful.
Also, better right click support with more consistent and thorough contextual menus would be nice to have.
But, to prevent excessive feature creep, how about concentrating first on completing relatively doable under-the-hood enhancements first, like faster file copy and better unicode support?
Then, once those core features are stable, more advanced features can be gradually added. Perhaps in the form of plug-ins or add-ons (as in Firefox and the like)?