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Author Topic: audio tracks silent after import tracks unable to record also  (Read 6057 times)


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audio tracks silent after import tracks unable to record also
« on: January 15, 2016, 01:28:29 PM »

I am having weird problems with this "new TDM system
certain tracks will refuse to record for example no level will show on the meter,
I set the input device and record enable etc.., so I move down to another track
and try the same settings presto the meter moves and I can record there,
Same thing when importing audio I tried some MP3's for example
it would make a stereo track one channel would be dead,
I would have to go after the mono audio tracks and import again
or sometimes cut and paste from one track to another, then presto the audio plays
to get both sides of a stereo track it would take me 5 tracks,
then the weird thing is if you delete the un-used tracks to clean up the session
and you move the position of the track, you lose the audio again!
Very strange, PITA to work with luckily this system is just for myself
and I am just testing with it, ps and big clue this is the system with the
core card that fails digitest..
could that explain this random weird stuff?


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Re: audio tracks silent after import tracks unable to record also
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 06:21:52 PM »

Looks like it was every other track, I set it to use 1 DSP 32 voice
instead of 2 DSP 64 voice and now every track even and odd is ok..
maybe I have  bad mix card too   :-[


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Re: audio tracks silent after import tracks unable to record also
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2016, 07:46:49 PM »

bad dsp?
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: audio tracks silent after import tracks unable to record also
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 08:16:54 AM »

I just bought a system on Ebay,
Mac g4 and cards and 888
hopefully the cards are good,
It was 300.00 maybe you guys saw it up there?

I have been scanning for a core card, and there has been nothing of late
so I took a chance on another "turnkey" system
hope it arrives on pne piece.. ;)
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