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Author Topic: Do you use SPLIT-STEREO or INTERLEAVED files with your sampler?  (Read 5321 times)


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Do you use SPLIT-STEREO or INTERLEAVED files with your sampler?
« on: January 08, 2016, 05:53:02 AM »

Hello altogether,
I would like to know if you guys are working with your soft- or hardware samplers with INTERLEAVED or with SPLIT-STEREO-Files? What is the best in your opinion?

I am working since years with my Akai-Samplers (S6000 and S2000) and haven't recognized (shame on me!!!!) that THERE is a difference in working with interleaved or split-file-sounds:
As soon as I start PANNING split-stereo-files (L/R) you hear that you cannot pan the split-stereo-sounds to be 100% on one side!!!! It is only possible when working with interleaved-sounds!!!

For example on my AKAI S6000: if I use a sampler-instrument in split-stereo-mode hard panned with pan setting L50 ( which is 100% left), you can compare it soundwise with a pan setting L17 (which is almost 30% on the left side) when working with INTERLEAVED. I am really not able to PAN 100% to one side in split-stereo-mode!!!!! Does this make sense????

Can someone explain me what the reason for that is or do you only use all the time interleaved?

Best, Paule.

PS: Good luck: in the AKAI S6000 there is an option called "CONVERT L-/-R" in order to change it from Split to interleaved. But it is an extra step which I would have to do for each program. Man, I don't understand it....
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