The highest priority to OS 9 FOREVER, would be to fix the fact that OS 9 can't address virtual memory beyond to 2 GB limit.
We can put the virtual Memory on a SSD controller on a 64bit PCI card. That would give us a throughtput of 266Mb/s with some CPU overhead. It wouldn't be that hard to design a 64bit PCI SSD controller.
Even given OS 9's partition limit of 128Gb, that's a lot of virtual memory.
Likely this would have to be addressed in the NanoKernel.
CPU's are good enough, tho one day we may want to look at what NXP chips are pin compatible with 74xx, I don't think we'd ever get 64bit mode working in OS 9, unless there is a source code leak.

We could offload most things to the GPU if we had drivers, and that really comes down to porting a modern C compiler to OS 9.
But, one thing at a time, lets get virtual memory fixed.