symphonic orchestra 5 dvd set seems to be complete.
Thank you very much. I'm still downloading the second DVD ...
But I have already tested the first one. The library comes in a compressed (and/or encrypted ) file, the DVD contains a installer and must be installed into a windows machine. The instruments have an exb. extension and the samples .ebl . CdXtract can't open (nor convert) them,
... but Extreme Sampler Converter and ChickenSys Translator can. 
tested and confirmed! LOL
Would you be so generous to convert them to a OS9-friendly format?
The best option is to download the E-MU originals, and each one of us, convert them to its preferred sampler format. Even in Mac Os 9 we are not agree on a format to choose, some may prefer Halion, others EXS or Kontakt, others Sampletank, SoundFont, Reason etc ...
Are some conversion targets a downgrade in terms of quality?
It depends on the source. If the source instrument is simple and basic, the SoundFont or Sampletank format will be enough. If the instruments are complex like this Modern Symphonic Orchestra, (with Key Switches, Round Robin, etc) it must be converted to Kompakt/Kontakt.
... OK, Halion or EXS can be used also, but at its own risk ... LOL