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Author Topic: Cubase Score 2.0 DEMO  (Read 7059 times)


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Cubase Score 2.0 DEMO
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:36:35 AM »

Cubase Score 2.0 DEMO

      Steps Ahead
                        The New Cubase Score for Mac!

Hamburg -  Cubase Score Mac Version 2, with more than 230 new
features in the score area alone, is a real power-packet. From
layouts, to grace and cue notes,  automatic guitar & bass
tablatures up to a complete orchestral masterpiece, it fulfils
all requirements. Nevertheless, the user interface remains
something Steinberg are always proud of, being simple, clear and
always transparent.

Additionally, Cubase Score now shows its new true colours! The
ergonomic colour interface makes operation easier and even more
intuitive. The colour is not used as decorative measure, but as
a support for the structuring and editing of the music.

The advances are not confined to the notation area alone:

*  Cubase Score has a practically unlimited number of tracks, the
RAM's the limit.

*  Cubase Score is ready for OMSII from Steinberg and Opcode, for
easy access to Librarian and Patch Manager software.

*  New Groove Quantize: Including velocity and practically
unlimited length.

*  Integrated 'StyleTrax' offers auto-accompaniment and arranging

* Integrated 'CueTrax', tempo tools for film composers & lovers
of natural rhythm.

*  QuickTime Movie Window

Further information is available from:

Steinberg Soft & Hardware GmbH
f.a.o. Thomas Wendt
Eiffestr. 596
20537 Hamburg
Tel:      040 - 210 330
Fax: 040 - 211 598
c Steinberg Soft- & Hardware GmbH 1995.


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Re: Cubase Score 2.0 DEMO
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2019, 04:27:47 AM »

Score 2.0 - features

Cubase Score 2.0 for the Mac provides the definitive solution to the problem of integrated MIDI sequencing and Score printing, featuring some of the best layout options ever seen, integrated into what is probably the worldŐs most powerful sequencing program.

For the complete beginner, Cubase Score 2.0 offers an intuitive introduction to recording and score printing, with easy-to-control input of notes and graphics. 

For the power user and professional, time-saving features and comprehensive functions give the definitive scoring facility for all kinds of musical applications - full orchestral scores, graphic scores, lead sheets, percussion, guitar and piano parts... All in a fully real-time working environment! So, how can Cubase Score 2.0 work for you?

Q: The program is now in colour.  It looks great - how can it help my work?
A: You can assign colours to different Parts of an arrangement for easy reference.  You can also work in colour in the different editors to highlight note pitches, velocities and MIDI channels.  It makes editing much easier, and you can also edit the colours themselves!

Q: My music has very complex rhythms, I need to use different time signatures, and note groupings such as quintuplets.  What about grace notes - can you write them grouped?  And, what if I want to put a repeat mark or a bar line in the middle of a bar?
A:With Cubase Score 2.0Ős enhanced algorithms, the program automatically works out note spacing, groupings, syncopation and triplets. But you also have full manual control of note grouping - including cross-bar and cross-staff beaming of notes.  Grace notes are automatically detected and can be notated singly or grouped.  Tuplet groupings from 2 to 15 notes can also be built over different numbers of beats. Time signatures (including nested time signatures) can be inserted and edited on screen, and bar lines can be added at any point in the music.

Q:  IŐm a guitarist.  I donŐt play keyboards or read notation easily, how can I work with Cubase Score?
A: Cubase Score 2.0Ős ŇlivingÓ tablature mode automatically translates notation into tablature for guitar or bass.   You can input notes using a MIDI guitar, and perform all your recording and editing in tablature mode, switching back to standard notation when itŐs all finished. 

Q: I write contemporary music and I donŐt always want conventional bars, staves and notation.
Cubase Score 2.0 offers a variety of different noteheads, graphic notes and staff options.  A:Choose any number of staff lines from 0-127, adjust the size and distance between lines.  Cut and move staves,  or glue them together.  You can insert or hide barlines, clefs, note stems and other elements at any point in the music. 

Q: Supposing I want to alter the position of a note or a rest without altering the sound of the music?
A: Notes, rests and symbols can all be graphically moved on screen. You can also alter spacings between notes/accidentals, stem lengths, thickness of beams.  In fact nearly every detail can be finely tuned to make your score look exactly the way you want!  For really detailed working, you can enlarge your page view to 600%, or reduce it to 50% - and still perform edits!

Q: I want my piece to sound ŇmusicalÓ.  I hate playing to a metronome, but I also want to print out a neat score of the music.  Do I need to do two different arrangements?
A: Integrated into Cubase Score 2.0 Mac is CueTrax (Graphic Tempo Editor).  You can play your piece in real time, complete with tempo changes, and without metronome.  CueTrax automatically works out a new tempo track,  matching the real time note positions to the correct Cubase bars and beats without altering  the actual performance.  So your music will look good and still retain itŐs musical ŇfeelÓ all in the same arrangement!

Q: How easy is it to print a score and parts ? I do a lot of orchestral arrangements, and I often need to produce the music quickly.
A: With Cubase Score 2.0Ős layout options, you can complete your full score, then transfer all staff positions, text and markings to the individual parts, or even to a completely different arrangement.  The program will also transpose parts automatically, allowing you to write for differently pitched instruments, but you can still hear your arrangement in the original key.  A scalable printout facility allows you to create miniature scores, or enlarged notation for easy reading.

Q: I want to prepare texts and articles with musical examples.  Can I transfer files from Cubase Score?
A: Cubase Score 2.0 offers PostScript support, and lets you export files in EPS, PICT or IllustratorÔ  format.  So you can insert a section, or a whole page of score into a document created with most standard DTP programs.

Just in case you thought the new program only had advances in the score area the program also features:
Practically unlimited tracks - the computer RAMŐs the limit.

Cubase Score is ready for OMSII from Steinberg and Opcode, for easy access to Librarian and       Patch Manager Software.

New Groove Quantize, including velocity and near unlimited length.

Intergrated ÔStyle TraxŐ offers auto-accompaniment and arrangement help.

ÔCue TraxŐ provides tempo tools for film composers and input of rhythm.

Quick Time Movie Window, allows playback of Quick Time movies within Cubase Score.

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