i have read the article. i have read many many articles.. i have detailed information.
im not going by memory, im going by having recently put in a serious effort to know the details once
and for all... and im sharing that info here with the world.. as i do with pretty much everything...
so that someone else such as myself, can have an easier time of locating this information then i did.
because it was not so simple to dedeuce, cross referencing articles + Books to come up with a clearer picture then any one given article seems capable of portraying..
its easy to imagine that the cubase programmers were always focused on the mac first, following the initial atari release of course.. 1st of all they were focused on atari, then somehow mac got added to the mix.. then they got really determined and made a pc version... pc being last on the totem pole of priorities clearly..
then after the 2.x releases they focused back 100% on mac which is why cubase vst was originally made for mac (cubase vst 3.0 may 1996) and pc was still lagging behind in development, as it always had been for steinberg.. they only incremented the main version number when there was significant changes to the engine i guess.. which is why.. cubase for pc lagged behind the 4.0 release (but they did manage to add alot of features that made 3.7 on pc almost equivelent to 4.0 on mac)
but they entirey skipped 4.0 because they never made it equal to the 4.0 vst release for mac which had a ton of new features.... the features detailed on the article u just linked (That i also have linked many many times;)
FEATURES NEW TO PC v5.0 (BUT ALREADY IN MAC v4.0) (the absence of which was the reason cubase 3.7 was still in 3.x level of versioning, rather then 4.0)
15,360 ppqn internal resolution.
Folder Tracks.
Marker Tracks.
Long Track Names.
Transport Bar display options.
User-definable Toolbar and key commands.
Extended Inspector.
Improved drag and drop.
Enhanced Toolbox (including Range Selection tool).
New Controller Editor.
Grooves and Logical presets can be saved to disk.
Window Sets.
Dedicated MIDI Track Mixer
looking at this list.. these are not small updates at all but huge additions to functionalty and had these features been implemented on pc *in time* there would have been a pc 4.x edition for sure
the funny thing is tho.. when pc eventually caught up..the version of 5.1 vst/32 on pc actually got given a few small advantages ... rewire2 + also (due to being for pc) compatibility with directx plugins aswell but this was already in v3.x of course.. ive been trying to find out exactly which pc cubase version was teh first to support directx but i havent found the answer as of yet.
small recap of timeline facts:
- May 1996 Cubase VST 3.0 (mac) released (FIRST VST version ever for mac or pc)
- July 1996 Cubase 2.8 (win pc) released (no vst support)
- Aug 1997 Cubase VST 3.5 (mac) released
- Oct 1997 Cubase VST 3.5 (win pc) released (finally a VST version for pc 17 months after mac)
- Oct 1998 Cubase VST 4.0 (mac) mac surges forward by leaps + bounds past the pc
- Dec 1999 Cubase VST 3.7 (win pc) still lagging behind trying hard to keep up with the mac version
so this list is very confusing and would be conveyed more simply with 2 seperate timelines
maybe there was a cubase vst 3.0 version for windows but im pretty sure there wasnt? im pretty sure im getting this fact from the cubase for mac wizoo guide book from 1998 (authors name is Ralf Kleinermanns) the early windows versions of cubase were more like updates to 2.x, this is exactly the version im trying to get working for my windows box atm its called "Cubase Audio XT for windows 3.02" notice the lack of "VST"..
"Audio XT" versions existed for both mac + pc, and was their flagship product prior to the advent of "VST" versions.. and was all about the extended hardware support for digidesign (dae/tdm) (prior to asio)
again this is all my interpretation of what i have read... so its possible i have made a mistake.. but im pretty sure this is accurate! this info is definately not on wikipedia so clearly.. i actually made a few edits + updates + corrections to the info on wikipedia just last nite ! LOL;)