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Author Topic: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer  (Read 10519 times)


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programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:07:35 PM »

Im interested in learning how to better formulate my own sounds in this synth, on mac os 9
im guessing that the same principles would be shared betwee FM8 + FM7.

ive attached screenshots of all the different sections of the synth for reference while discussing.
it seems the first 5 operators are like operator A screen.. untill u get to X + Z, whos names have clearly been taken from the other side the alphabet because they posess different properties and to differentiate them.
this forum page has a text copied + pasted tutorial to follow along..
im looking for other laerning materials related to fm synthesis that would be good for people to learn to understand how to make sounds with fm7

also let us not forget
The FM7 can read all programs from the original DX7, DX7-II, DX11, TX81Z, TX7,
DX21, DX27, DX100, TX802 and it reproduces the sounds of these machines
according to
does this mean that patches created on fm7 would be able to be compatible with the actual hardware counterparts? is this why they moved it to fm8 (where there is a number difference in operators therefore making the patches incompatible)

another forum page on kvr this time talking of the same topic:

so if this topic is of interest to you ...
i invite you to help me research the topic + drop some breadcrumb links to some great answers here!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 05:18:00 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014, 07:44:02 AM »

Im interested in learning how to better formulate my own sounds in this synth, on mac os 9
im guessing that the same principles would be shared betwee FM8 + FM7.

In my opinion the first starting point to achieve this is to read the FM7 user manual... several times... LOL
The FM programing is "non linear", so very difficult to achieve the sound you want, even knowing how to program the thing...
There is a wide set of patches available for DX7 and FM7. Knowing how to work FM7 is more useful to mod an existing patch than to create a new one from scratch.
I only have to create new patches for FM7 in just a couple of occasions...
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Re: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 02:09:29 AM »

ok after a few days of looking.. its becoming familiar and alot more clear
im trying to find a way to "CLEAR ALL" settings to start from scratch to make *100% your own sound from scratch*
if u know how to reset all parameters to zero on this vst synth let me know ;)

this synth really isnt that difficult to program! in fact! ITS SO FUCKING EASY! when u compaer it to
any dx or real fm synth!!  holy shit.. its the interface that just isnt so intuitive..
all you have to do.. is always click on the actual number value to change it
for example in the operator view (A B C D E F  or  X Z)
u can change the waveform, I was trying to figure out how for so long and then i just happened to click
on the actual small small number value and move the mouse up + down.. click + hold and move up and down + the waveform will

to the right of the waveform of the specific operator we see the "amplitude modulation" section
the modulation section i think only gets applied when u press your midi controllers mod wheel or pitch wheel to "MOD"ify the sound with "MOD"ulation
clicking the small boxes under each heading and draging up/down changes the value here too
or u can double click the value and it will reset to being empty

in my experimenting it seems that these operators are linked together in pairs, groups of 2
i figured this out after i had to raise the output level on B to get sound from A to get to the "out pan"
by viewing the 'matrix' while changing values
A+B  |  C+D  |  E+F  |  X + Z
which leads me to question the name? fm7? theres 8 operators here...!
also if u hold CONTROL + click the operator letter in the matrix this works to toggle on/off the operator voice
same as it would if u click operator on/off toggle button in middle of the screen

each operator has 5 different sections its hard to take it all in at first glance
frequency, output, envelope rate,  waveform, amplitude (which also contains lfo1, lfo2)
the real important ones for shaping the sound are waveform + frequency and the lfos

the lfo settings for LFO1 + LFO2 seem to link back to the LFO screen
because disabling the LFO on the LFO screen renders the setting of the individual operators LFO to make no difference at all

the envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) settings i was always looking for is again in front of my face
maybe not so labeled as htey usually are but rather referred to as enevelope setting 1-5
moving the value of this # (01/04 in this pic) will change between the 'node' square  of the envelope settings
changing everything on the envelope section to be pertaining to that 'node' number of the envelope. (see pic)
which has the properties mode, abs time, a time, level, slope

i think operator X +Z differ from the others in that they are not waveform operators but saturation+filter operators?
X has saturation curve instead of waveform
and Z has filter curve instead of waveform (seen above) and looking above where the operator  section had frequency, output, envelope rate,  waveform, amplitude.. instead we see filter 1, filter 2, and filter mix
also these X +Z  operators seem to have a "page 2" that reuses the screen for more controls toggeld on by this page2 button

i drew these colored boxes around the sectiosn to further illustrate + attempt to simplify the different areas
ok maybe its not easy but its not impossible! to experiment + learn more!


note: i also found a small semi/bug when clicking the first dropdown box of the fm matrix (on the right of the screen)
be carefull not to click inside this drop down box.. it will place a cursor there and the focus of the vst will seemingly get stuck here - i assume this is for quicksearching of the values saved within it by typing the saaved name but the only values there are "init" - anyway if u click this box.. u will get a flashing cursor and it will seem that the vst is locked up... because it gets stuck..
and mouse clicks or typign doesnt have any effect.. for some reason pressing CMD-UP ARROW happened to free me from this..
i have no idea why!!

offtopic: found some patches here
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 04:35:17 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2014, 03:54:30 AM »

ok after a few days of looking.. its becoming familiar and alot more clear
im trying to find a way to "CLEAR ALL" settings to start from scratch to make *100% your own sound from scratch*
if u know how to reset all parameters to zero on this vst synth let me know ;)

in my experimenting it seems that these operators are linked together in pairs, groups of 2
i figured this out after i had to raise the output level on B to get sound from A to get to the "out pan"
by viewing the 'matrix' while changing values
A+B  |  C+D  |  E+F  |  X + Z
I think you are wrong about this...


note: i also found a small semi/bug when clicking the first dropdown box of the fm matrix (on the right of the screen)
be carefull not to click inside this drop down box.. it will place a cursor there and the focus of the vst will seemingly get stuck here - i assume this is for quicksearching of the values saved within it by typing the saaved name but the only values there are "init" - anyway if u click this box.. u will get a flashing cursor and it will seem that the vst is locked up... because it gets stuck..
and mouse clicks or typign doesnt have any effect.. for some reason pressing CMD-UP ARROW happened to free me from this..
i have no idea why!!
I haven't find "such small semi/bug". I'm using FM7 version 1.01.006  on CubaseVST732 5.1r1
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Re: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2014, 04:01:38 AM »

ok yeah i see now they arent linked it was just how the patch i was in was set up..
i will edit the above post !

here is an illustration of how to reset all to 'start' like mactron said above
interesting also is this "Do it!" randomize feature
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 04:33:25 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: programming Native Instrument's FM7 Synthesizer
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2014, 05:06:47 AM »

I know that each one of us have his own opinion...
But I think FM7 is the best VST synth for several reasons:
- it is "relatively" CPU lightweight even though ...
- ... It have one of the best quality audio engines.
- It can be used as FX unit.
- There is a standalone version.
- There is an endless sets of patches for they...
- It is capable of a huge variety of sounds.
- ... and all of them are very "musically useful".
With "musically useful" i try to mean that the FM7 sounds can be used easily in any song. There is other synths with more imaginary sounds and more complex capabilities but more suitable for movies soundtracks, and if you try to use it on a song just don't fit in anyway...
The Yamaha DX7 was a great synth at his moment, and NI had done a great job enhancing the capabilities and usability of this synth.
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