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Author Topic: reason release dates/timeline overview & articles  (Read 13180 times)


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reason release dates/timeline overview & articles
« on: August 01, 2014, 11:48:45 PM »

*please extend the window horizontally for proper display!*
*note these are not actual release dates but published dates of the articles*
reason 1 (mar 2001)
reason 2 (sep 2002)
reason 2.5 (dec 2003)
reason 3 (may 2005) (adds combinator, mclass)
reason 3.05 (mar 2006)
reason 4 (nov 2007) (adds rpg8, thor)
reason record (oct 2009)
reason 5 (oct 2010)
reason 6 (nov 2011)
reason 6.5 (jun 2012)
reason 7 (jun 2013)
Version 10.0: "Cheetah" (mar 2001)
Version 10.1: "Puma" (Sep 2001)
Version 10.2: "Jaguar" (Aug 2002)
Version 10.3: "Panther" (Oct 2003)
Version 10.4: "Tiger" (Apr 2005)
Version 10.5: "Leopard" (Oct 2007)
Version 10.6: "Snow Leopard" (Aug 2009)
Version 10.7: "Lion" (July 2011)
Version 10.8: "Mountain Lion" (July 2012)
Version 10.9: "Mavericks" (Oct 2013)

cross referencing the os release dates & reason release dates we can see:
reason 1.0 was released same time as mac os x, Cheetah! 10.1
reason 2.0 was released during the prominance of jaguar,
reason 2.5 was released during the prominance of panther,
reason 3.0 was released during the prominance of tiger
reason 4.0 was released during the prominance of leopard
reason 5.0 + Record were released during snow leopard
reason 6.0 was released originally during lion
reason 6.5 during mtn lion
reason 7.0 released for mavericks
now the above facts are not exclusive compatibility wise but rather its just coincidence, timing wise

its a real shame propellerheads didnt continue to support os9 at least untill v3!
would be cool to have the combinator, but at least we have NN-XT

a complete list of updates here:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 11:58:40 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: reason release dates/timeline articles
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2014, 12:05:34 AM »

some info re: first intel version of reason, v3.05
The music application Reason 3 is now shipping for Intel Macs, but not as a Universal Binary. Propellerheads, the creators of Reason, say why in a press release:

    Reason 3.0.5 will only be available in the Intel format, and will not run on PowerPC-based Mac computers. This is contrary to Apple's recommendation to developers, which is to ship a combined PPC and Intel-Mac application in a package called a Universal Binary. Based on the Propellerheads' commitment to always provide the highest possible performance on all computer platforms supported, Propellerhead made the decision to deviate from Apple's recommendation. A Universal Binary actually contains two compiled applications, one for PPC and one for Intel. To create a Universal Binary, Propellerhead would need to use Apple's XCode compiler for both the PPC and Intel versions of the program. By contrast, the shipping version of Reason for PPC computers (version 3.0.4) is compiled with Motorola's CodeWarrior compiler. Unfortunately, internal performance testing shows that compiling Reason for PPC using Apple's XCode compiler creates a significantly slower program than the shipping 3.0.4 version that is available today. For this reason it has been decided to keep the two versions separate for the time being. While this creates a small inconvenience in that users have to manually determine which version is the right one to install, this is by far outshined by the advantages of having maximum performance.

reason v3 was the first to introduce the combinator as well as the Mclass mastering plugins

so i think this means that there was a intel only v3.05 that was the first intel cpu version of reason (built probably for the white 2006 imacs) - i think most people would think reason 4.0 was the first intel binary build of reason - i would have said so untill i checked google

unfortunately i think this intel version was an update and u would need to login to the propellerhead site to download this 3.05 update and actually have a license for reason 3.0 on your account to access it.
March 21, 2006

this v3.05 intel build will work on any mac os x version from 10.1 through to 10.6 i believe but will not work on 10.7 and above+
of course you still need reason 3.0 sound bank + orkester cds - i personally just confirmed it working on 10.6.8
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 04:30:23 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: reason release dates/timeline overview & articles
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2014, 08:33:11 PM »

info regarding RELOAD v1.0
im trying to see if theres a mac os 9 version of this utility..
it was released during the time of reason v2.5 (way prior to v3) so theres a chance?
but even if the utility isnt made for mac os 9 it could be used to create nnxt files for mac os 9..

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN-APRIL 3, 2003 - Propellerhead Software, the Swedish company behind acclaimed products such as Reason, Recycle! and ReBirth today announced the release of Reload. Reload is a utility program for Mac OS X and Windows XP that allows Reason and ReCycle users to load Akai S1000//S3000 sound disks. Reload is also useful for anyone importing WAV files. Utilizing a very simple elegant interface, Reload makes one of the world's largest sound libraries available to Reason and Recycle.

Specific features include: Load complete Akai programs andsamples, including full keyboard mapping and parameters, into the NN-XT. Load Akai samples into the NN-19 and Redrum, including looping. Load samples into ReCycle, including loopingparameters.

Reload is part of an effort by Propellerheads to provide added value for registered owners of Reason. Previously, they offered the very popular Refill packer utility and 100 Megs of free sounds in collaboration with Primesounds . Propellerheads will continue this program to reward their registered users and continue to add value to their product.

Reload is be a free download for registered Propellerhead users and is $49 for unregistered users.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 11:03:58 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: reason release dates/timeline overview & articles
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2014, 08:54:19 PM »

ok this is more along the lines of what i was looking for

Refill Packer

v1.0 or v2.5 i would assume have mac os 9 versions?
this would be hard to get except other then downloading it directly from propellerheads

it would be great if we could all somehow come together and compile every version of these refill creating utilities
if you have a copy of one of these please archive it in any archive format + attach to this thread as a file attachment!
(unless the file is larger then 60mb)

I only have v1.0 for pc.. which i've attached, if you have another version please respond!
*update* i was able to find v3.0 (also for pc)
we really need v2.5.. i've checked the reason 2.5 original install disc
and its *NOT* on the cd
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 11:46:32 PM by chrisNova777 »
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