first example will be ableton live because this example works very well
all you need is a mac, because you can do this with NO SOUND CARD AT ALL!

using the built in sound manager output of the mac u can produce in this way
using ableton live 4 + reason,linked together
and the performance is fantastic!!!
Ableton live arrange view / switch between views with tab key
(image shows ableton v1.0)
in order to do this
first u launch ableton live (registered version)
press CMD-T to create an audio track
on the channel strip for the new track created find "audio from" drop down
and select "Reason" (any of your installed rewire capable apps will show up in this list!)
press the "on" button below "monitor"
and finally record enable the track at the bottom of the strip by pressing the button with the black circle which will then turn RED
(this is the button directly under the "S" solo button, and the speaker icon, u will see the circle in the box, for audio tracks its a black circle, for midi tracks it looks like a midi plug)
Now that the channel is prepared + ready, you are ready to launch the reason application, by clicking the reason icon executable or shortcut
(make sure u have your soundbank/orkester physical cd copies handy, v2.0 will prompt u for this)
immediately press play and u will hear the demo of the reason app piped thru into ableton
the two applications are now ONE!
whatever u do in reason when u want to record it as audio.. simple press record on a clip in ableton
u do this by pressing the circle in any of hte boxes.. this starts recording.. to view the actual waveforms as they are being recorded u can double click the clips box contents and below u will see the audio being literally "printed" to view in real time..
representing the audio files being created on your hard disk.
(see attached illustration - ableton live session/mixer view)

after recording wave data from reason into ableton pay close attention to the monitor section of the track
this will change whether u are hearing the recorded clip, or the live audio from the reason app by switching between
"on" / "auto" / "off" values and/or pressing the record enable button to RED at the bottom of the channel
if u dont like what youve recorded to the clip, simply click it once to select it and delete it (backspace/del)

u can then adjust the loop of the take in the Left + right locators at the top of bottom sample view area that shows the waveform
adding vst effects to the recorded audio is easy now if u have any installed to the vstplugins folder of ableton live
u click on this plug icon at the top left of the screen (3rd icon down, looks like an AC electrical plug for plugins)
(this icon and the rest of the icons in this location reuse this space of the screen.. switching between browsing files + plugins)
this opens the list of vsts in the browser area directly to the right of the icon
selecting "camelphatfree" i click and drag the name of this vst onto the track and
its added to my plugin chain (which is shown at the bottom of the screen in the same area as the sample view
( u can switch between sample view of the recorded material or the plugin properties + modifiers by dbl clicking the clipbox on the track,
or the plugin icon again on the left)
clicking this little wrench icon (lit up green in pic) to the left of the vst name in the vst effect chain will bring up the vst's custom ui

Welcome to the seamless world of rewire /w ableton + reason!!!!!!!!!
later on when u really get the hang of it, it is possible to record multiple sounds at once, recording many clips on many channels in one take
this is done by setting many audio tracks to get "Audio From: REASON" and then selecting the specific reason device in the 2nd drop down beneath "audio from" dropdown box
this is one combination of programs that rewire works fantastic + correctly + dependably
using this setup with any version of live is great but in particular its even better with v4.x
because u can use vst's in ableton directly, using reason with vst technology really opens the door to creativity!
using your favourite vst plugins next to reason's modules + nnxt sampler
after producing and arranging in ableton u can easily then load up Cubase and record your tracks out frm ableton 1 by 1 from ableton using
rewire mode for post production / mastering / mixing / finalizing

(image shows reason v1.0)
even with reason v1.0 + ableton 1.0 u can do some really cool tracking with the combination of these two apps!