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Author Topic: How do i run Reason without ReWire?  (Read 6259 times)


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How do i run Reason without ReWire?
« on: July 27, 2014, 07:59:29 PM »

as brought up by JAKL in another thread just recently (
heres an outtake from the reason v2.0 manual

A note for Mac OS 9 users! In addition to being located in the Reason
program folder, an alias for the Reason Engine is also put in the
Extensions folder. This allows you, if required, to remove the alias.
This will prevent Reason from running in ReWire mode, but it will
still run fine as a freestanding application.


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Re: How do i run Reason without ReWire?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 08:22:49 PM »

ive just confirmed this works 100%
by removing the reason engine in the extensions folder (reason engine, not the rewire, rewire MUST be present still) this allows the reason app to be launched *REWIRE FREE* of cubase....

why would anyone want to do this?
if u have 2 seperate audio interfaces for example u could record output from the reason app from by cabling an output from interface A to interface B - if u dont have two audio interfaces then there wont be much point of launching reason because it wont have any audio output beccause cubase will have taken control of the asio driver of the audio interface. (but the manual also claims using rewire is a better solution and will require less system resources to run both programs)

or perhaps rewier just being problematic for your system and u want to AVOID IT.

i think its possible midi sync could still probably be wired via IAC bus in this non-rewire mode!!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 12:15:20 PM by chrisNova777 »
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