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Author Topic: How does one package cubase projects /w wav, aif files to share with others?  (Read 11965 times)


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is there any fast easy way to do this?
to share a project with someone else?

i sent them the song file and it was missing all of my recorded wave files

cmd-F brings up the "audio pool window" where it lists a number of my imported/included wave files in the project but exporting the cubase song and transfering to a friend as macbinary doesnt include these files in the file?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 12:29:14 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: packaging song file complete with wave files and audio pool?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 12:03:47 AM »

from the manual:

pg335 -
Saving and Loading the Audio Pool
The Audio Pool is automatically saved with the Song or an Arrangement. However, by using the Load and Save Audio Pool commands on the pop-up File menu, you can freely save Audio Pools and load them into Songs.

1. Select Save Pool from the File Pop-up menu.
2. In the dialog box that appears, specify if you want to save all files and segments, or just the selected ones.
3. In the standard dialog box that appears, specify a name and a location for the file

The audio files themselves are not saved in the Pool file, only a reference to them. You
should probably not move any audio file(s) until next time you want to use the Pool.
You should definitely not delete them



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Re: packaging song file complete with wave files and audio pool?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2014, 12:07:56 AM »

cant anyone share their experience of having to share projects with other users of cubase?
and how they went about packaging it up to send it?



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File management can be easy if you remember to tell Cubase where your Audio files folder is BEFORE you record any audio… if you forget to do that and do it at a later point. you will most like end up with a project that has files all over the place (even though the audio pool knows where each file is), it will be unclear to you where some of your files are located.

A simple remedy is to Pick "Prepare Archive" and make a brand new folder and save the song in the same folder… this will move all the audio files from wherever they are into 1 folder and you can compress the folder and send it off to your pal.

If you want the smallest size possible, pick "Prepare Master"… but beware, this will remove sections (segments) and delete the parts of the audio files (unused regions) that are not used in the arrangement.  Some Cubase versions (forgot which) sometimes freeze up after using the "Prepare Master" option so I never use it… you can try it.  Another way to thin things down is go to the pool and pick "select unused" files and the "delete selected".. this will clean up any takes that you deleted from the arrangement, but are still in the pool.


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it is not required to take care about the path this way. in programs like cubase or protools it is enough to show them one of the missing files, then the others are found automatically. when the user now saves the project again, all paths are updated.
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all i know is i sent my friend the sng file and he was missing all the exported mixdown waves that comprised the track so it was basically useless as he was missing most of the other parts
i know that cubase had come with some new technology re: sharing + Collaborating aroudn this time
this was called something about "Rocket network" ? (i believe its under panels -> rocket network but its non functional now)
i assumed that if htey went to this great length to ensure collaboration that there must be some way to "Save project for sending to someone"
or whatever


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I remember "Rocket Network" - Joining in with others and work on songs etc,
a great way to collaborate - and it worked pretty well if you had a fast
internet connection - but was boringly slow if you didn't.



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I remember "Rocket Network" - Joining in with others and work on songs etc,
a great way to collaborate - and it worked pretty well if you had a fast
internet connection - but was boringly slow if you didn't.

ok i thought that was a feature for collaborating with specific people
i didnt realize it was for random people on the net that must have been quite revolutionary at the time


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what do you mean by part were missing. when you sent him the audio files he will always be able to (re)find them.
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It is not required to take care about the path this way. in programs like cubase or protools it is enough to show them one of the missing files, then the others are found automatically. when the user now saves the project again, all paths are updated.

Guess I am not explaining myself I am sorry :(

Of course this is not necessary, and Cubase will "find" the files... but your audio files may in all over your hard drive (in several folders), and thus this makes things difficult to backup or share with others.... for example, if you finish a project and start a new one, your new tracks will be saved in the same folder as your last project (a very common mistake) and then when you realize it and switch the "Audio files folder", you end up with a mixture of stuff in your pool that is in different locations (a real BAD idea)

I suggested the above method so that all the files for a project end up in ONE FOLDER and you do not have to find them manually and play "file police" and re-organize things, the above method will instantly move all your files for you no matter where they are physically located on the hard drive into a new single project folder


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oh i was talking to chris above ....

but i second your tip with using mainly only one project folder (until you run out of HD speed)
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