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Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?

yes, it rocks i love it!
- 6 (60%)
yes, but i didnt quite understand it
- 3 (30%)
no, but sometime soon i will!
- 1 (10%)
no, and im not interested...
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: April 08, 2017, 04:03:12 AM

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Author Topic: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?  (Read 16964 times)


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Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« on: July 14, 2014, 04:03:12 AM »



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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 05:44:53 AM »

I had installed but couldnt make anything with it. My main interest is to use it as a Looper. All Live Ableton users wanting to use it as a Looper use windows  :-[
My interest growed in 2002 with Kid Beyond artist.

We need something as BOME's MIDI Translator Pro for macOS9 to use it as looper. Midi translator :
With Bome’s Midi Translator Pro, you can control your computer from MIDI devices or other devices. For example: you can control your favorite software with a MIDI control surface, use MIDI turntables with arbitrary DJ software, map MIDI messages to other MIDI messages, and much more.

Also Midi Yoke is used on others on the setup.
MIDI YOKE is a MIDI Patch Cable driver. It is a Windows (Versions 3.1x, 95, 98 and ME) multimedia driver.  Also available is a driver for Windows NT and 2000 (unfortunately not as robust).
MIDI Yoke NT:  This driver works in Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.  It is completely different code from the Windows 9x MIDI Yoke driver.  It is hard coded to 8 ports and can't be changed.  It is not as robust as the Windows 9x driver, is still Beta code and will not be supported -- use at your own risk.
MIDI YOKE is used to connect any Windows MIDI Application outputs to any other Applications inputs. The MIDI data stream is passed directly from output to input -- Example:

    [ Sequencer Out ]==>[ Out MIDI Yoke In ]==>[ In MIDI-OX 32 ]


    [MIDI Keyboard In]==>[In MIDI-OX Out]==>[Out MIDI Yoke In]==>[In Sequencer]

This allows you to connect the MIDI output from one program to the MIDI input of a different program. MIDI Yoke can be configured to provide a varying number of MIDI Ports (from 1 to 16). In addition, each port allows multiple opens of both input and outputs: up to 4 openings per port. This flexibility provides for almost any configuration imaginable. Note: The NT driver is fixed at 3 ports and 3 openings for the moment.
There is additional information in the FAQ.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2014, 06:11:16 AM »

I miss the answer: Yes but I didn't like it. This poll is a bit biased.  ;D

Actually I did install Live but couldn't get it registred. So I used the demo. I understand the workflow and benefits. However I didn't feel the need to keep/buy it. If I would perform live I would defnitely use it. 
Powermac g4 933mhz quicksilver


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2014, 06:30:26 AM »

I miss the answer: Yes but I didn't like it. This poll is a bit biased.  ;D

Actually I did install Live but couldn't get it registred. So I used the demo. I understand the workflow and benefits. However I didn't feel the need to keep/buy it. If I would perform live I would defnitely use it.

honestly .. your comment here doesnt make sense to me? if you perform live you would use live???
theres many ways to use live, doesnt have to be because u perform "live"..
it can be used the same was as cubase.. the name LIVE comes frm the fact that you can TRIGGER your sequences dynamically while creating your track.. you can press different buttons to switch to different phrases + loops while other elements continually loop + play back unaffected untill u change or stop the clip channel. once u realize the power of live.... well ;) maybe u will see ;)

its much more fun + dynamic to create music in live then a linear environment like cubase.. cubase is great too.. dont get me wrong. but the environments can affect how the creativity goes.. live is more playfull + dynamic.. and experimental.. allowing to experiment with timings + arrangements ina  fun + interactive way...whereas cubase.. is good for taking your time and slowly building things out and focusing more on your synths and recording...aspects like eq.. mixing etc

why couldnt u get it registered? did u follow the instructions?? were they not clear? maybe i have to re-write...

remember live can be launched from inside cubase via rewire aswell.
it can be a great beat writing tool this way..



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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2014, 08:02:49 AM »

Yes I have tried it, but I don't like it.
I don't need or want nothing of what Ableton live offer, and it lack some important things for me.
I feel irritating his aspect and "mono-window" view...
Each musician has his own needs, style and workflow...

For me is very important Ballade and I now that for others may be an un-useful piece of shit.
That's why there's a lot of Apps to choose ...
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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 04:44:19 AM »

1. honestly .. your comment here doesnt make sense to me? if you perform live you would use live???

2. its much more fun + dynamic to create music in live then a linear environment like cubase.

3. why couldnt u get it registered? did u follow the instructions?? were they not clear? maybe i have to re-write...

4. it can be a great beat writing tool this way..

Hi Chris,

1: I am producing music in my studio mainly as a keyboard player. I prefer a linear approach because that's just the way I like to work. However if I would create a live performance (like I did in the 90's) I would use LIVE. Because of the intuitive workflow, sync etc. In other words I would use it as my instrument, based on my linear produced tracks.  ;)

2: That's personal. If I loop my tracks in Cubase in combination with my Motif controller, I can get a similar experience. However for that approach LIVE is key. No doubt about that. Especially if you use a dedicated controller with cool color changing leds! ;D

3: I followed the instructions, used the keygen and everything. But I constantly got the message that the code didn't match my system. The cracked program file works however; but starts up way too slow.

4: Sure but I prefer otherwise.

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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2014, 04:57:31 AM »

I had installed but couldnt make anything with it.

honestly, comments like this blow me away! i think u guys are confused by its interface in some way? its the only explanation...

its really not all that different from cubase i mean in cubase, u make a new track, u draw in a new "cubase part" and record midi/record audio to this part.. thats the cubase approach right..

in live u make a new clip, u reocrd midi/record audio to this clip.. it works the same way except in live the tracks are arranged left to right instead on the left top to bottom (like in cubase)

u can then loop these clips and have the loops of different lengths continuing to cycle.. independant of a main timeline cursor.. to achive this in cubase u would have to use the repeat command to repeat your parts out quite literally.. dont u?
this comment from arjen_1..
he says he can loop his clips in cubase with his motif to achieve similar results as live?
is this possible? to have invididual parts in cubase looping over and over? while the main timeline cursor keeps continuing further left->right?

i am no master of any most people know just what they  know , but theres always holes or gaps in their knowledge that can be improved upon... to learn +  further techniques approaches that expand their knowledge sometimes can be easily achieved just by a few people sharing a few things

with these audio programs there is often 'more than meets the eye' sometimes even the most simple ideas can be obscured + not seen, or not fully understood right away

logic, vision, ableton, + yes even cubase.. all can have these 'secrets' hidden in plain sight that not all are aware of , even after years of use!!!!


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2014, 05:34:10 AM »

I had installed but couldnt make anything with it.

honestly, comments like this blow me away! i think u guys are confused by its interface in some way? its the only explanation...

its really not all that different from cubase i mean in cubase, u make a new track, u draw in a new "cubase part" and record midi/record audio to this part.. thats the cubase approach right..

in live u make a new clip, u reocrd midi/record audio to this clip.. it works the same way except in live the tracks are arranged left to right instead on the left top to bottom (like in cubase)

u can then loop these clips and have the loops of different lengths continuing to cycle.. independant of a main timeline cursor.. to achive this in cubase u would have to use the repeat command to repeat your parts out quite literally.. dont u?

logic, vision, ableton, + yes even cubase.. all can have these 'secrets' hidden in plain sight that not all are aware of , even after years of use!!!!
I was searching online to make a looper to play live with ableton as a guitar looper. In that search almost everyone used a OSX newer version or windows version thanks to bome and midi yoke. That leave me without interest on ableton . The mix engine ofcubase,  Logic and protools is far superior. I had no need to use some tools or ableton while I know the tools I need to make it in Logic/PT.
It is not only ableton. Digital performer has something dark that make me not fully understand it as I understand Logic or Protools.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2014, 05:52:44 AM »

I was searching online to make a looper to play live with ableton as a guitar looper. In that search almost everyone used a OSX newer version or windows version thanks to bome and midi yoke. That leave me without interest on ableton . The mix engine ofcubase,  Logic and protools is far superior. I had no need to use some tools or ableton while I know the tools I need to make it in Logic/PT.
It is not only ableton. Digital performer has something dark that make me not fully understand it as I understand Logic or Protools.

honestly jorge i think u should try ableton and put this 'looper' idea on the shelf for a bit at least untill
u realize a better understanding of the app itself..  ableton is just like cubase but with some amazing differences of being able to trigger your sequences "live" afterwards... meaning u can interact with the recorded parts that have already been recorded and "play" them to find new ways to arrange .. its more about "LIVE" remixing + arranging  by pressing buttons to switch between clips .. it definately lends itself more to electronic music.. but u can have this same approach to remixing an organic acoustic guitar performance to come up with some abstract results!

imagine being able to map your pre-recorded material in cubase to the QWERTY buttons on the keyboard and pressing them to switch the parts, ie to jump from chorus to intro and then to outro different segments + phrases of your song, at the touch of a button like a video game..
THIS IS WHAT LIVE IS... this looper idea that kid beyond made up is amazing but most people dont make music this way... where the actual producing of sounds is a seamless performance.. he took things to a new leevel there for sure but most people have no need to produce like this.. we have no problems taking a  piss + grabbng a snack inbetween parts HAHAHA:)



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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2014, 10:21:33 AM »

is this the keyboard u have arjen_1? with the faders section?
or a different motif model?


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2014, 08:14:13 AM »

is this the keyboard u have arjen_1? with the faders section?
or a different motif model?

No, I have the orginal Motif 6. It has the faders. Key is that you can control channels seperately and mute them on/off for getting the LIVE experience. However the main timeline cursor loops; it doesn't keeps continuing further left->right.
Motif 6 (a.k.a. classic) is a very powerful synth and integrates with mac OS9. It comes with a lot of OS9 editors too. I have the PLG-AN, VL an DX installed.

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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 10:24:06 AM »

i had a motif rack unit a few years ago that i got rid of i wish i hadnt;(
the one i had was silver/blue


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Re: Have you tried LIVE on mac os 9 yet?
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2016, 03:53:54 PM »

I have Live v1.0-1.5 which I bought for only a few dollars. I have tried it and some later versions but never liked it much.

It's too damn "groovy"! Most music production workflows I find tend to be either linear or loop-based. I am not either! So it is hard for me to find software which suits me. I do like to play live, but I am neither an instrumentalist nor a DJ, what I prefer is to generate interesting patterns and sequences in real time using algorithms. So DAWs (as they conventionally are) are not really for me.
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