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Author Topic: one finger chords effect in ableton  (Read 7168 times)


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one finger chords effect in ableton
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:09:43 PM »

ok so in ableton u have midi effects for midi just the same way that u have vst effects for sound
that can be input into the 'signal path' at the bottom of the screen

naturally you would want to put this in to the left (before) the actual vst that is being sent the midi

but here is an example of how this midi effect works in ableton live 4 on mac os 9

this dial + number + percentage..
the dial  + number represent the same thing, which is based on note transpose from the root note.. so
to create a chord u are transposing operators (keys) however many dials u specify transposes for is how many keys the chord you hear  willl be made from from pressing a single root key

here i have created a 5 key minor chord so u can see the 2nd key is transposed +3 , the 3rd +7, the 4th +10, and the 5th +14

if u press the down arrow in the top right hand corner of the chord midi effect u can also pick from some presets that they have included but i dont care for them much personally

for more info on the types of audio/midi effects in ableton
if u scroll down a bit theres a horizontally scrolling section that visually shows different effects
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 03:22:25 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: one finger chords effect in ableton
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2014, 03:16:00 PM »

here ive added a compressor to the chain to the right (AFTER) the actual synth
so what u see in this pic is:
midi chord effect >> operator synth >> compressor effect

i could if i wanted to drag the midi chord effect after the operator synth and put the compressor before, simply by dragging + dropping
but this of course would be counter productive;)


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Re: one finger chords effect in ableton
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 12:00:51 AM »

also if u want to convert the one finger chords to what they actually are outputting, u can create a new MIDI track and select its source FROM as the other midi track and then press record on a clip and it will capture the actual MIDI chords that the one finger sequence is outputting!
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