i dont understand why you need a drive thats no larger then 2gb? for what purpose?
As best as I understood it, since I wanted to trick the 8500 into running OS X the hard drive had to be greater than 10 GB. At the time the guys doing the work had a 60 GB Hard whereby they suggest the 60 GB be partitioned into two 30 GB drives.
It was also nice when I was running my OS 9 DAW's such as Digital Performer, Cubase, StudioVision on the 2 GB drive to be able to store the working midi/audio files on the 2nd ( 60 GB ) hard drive. At the time I was not a great fan of external firewired hard drives.
u said u wanted a partition that was "no larger then 2gb" that means 2gb + smaller.. not greater then 10gb.
you are totally confusing man;) i think i might have to delete this thread its giving me a headache
there is no way that i know of that a hard drive can show up as "locked"
either in Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 so i have no idea what u meant by the drive being "locked"
i suggest u back up your data and use an application to reformat + repartition your 60gb drive
in order for mac os 9 to boot from a drive it needs to install what people call "mac os 9 drivers" on the disk
this can be done in OSX with "Disk utility" (found under applications/utilities folder)
or can be done with OS9 with "Drive setup" (found under applications/utilities folder again)
the only way to add this "mac os 9 drivers" to a hard disk + make it compatible with os9 is
to do this when the drive is partitioned + formatted (ie EMPTY OF DATA)
so u must first move all your stuff off the drive (using an external disk or via network copy to another machine)
and then REFORMAT + REPARTITION the drive (using disk utility or drive setup)
once this is done u should be able to easily install mac os 9 onto the drive using a retail mac os 8 or 9 cd
but it would be easier if you are in mac os X already to use this download/install method: (click the url and read this page)
http://macos9lives.com/smforum/index.php?topic=305.0in the future if u want specific help like this.. try to provide us the basic info
+ explain things better frm the start.. u have been horrible at explaining the present state of the machine you are
trying to fix and unclear about the goal u wish to attain
also.. you are posting to the general section of the forum we have a general help section
for people to start threads + ask for help.. the general discussion area is more for topics + conversations that apply to everyones general interest
not someones specific problems;)
i will move this thread now to the help section.