Remember the 2000's Mac websites with daily news and how-to tutorials? I'd really love to see a website that is a good bookmark to keep and visit after you've booted up your OS 9 machine. A page you can link to whenever somebody asks: "What is Mac OS 9 and why should one use it?".
I like this. I already like what DieHard wrote in the front page, but pointing out even further OS 9 strengths, and OS 9 tutorials or "Power Tips" (a wordplay on "PowerPC"/POWER CPU ISA), cannot be bad IMO.
For example, RAM DISKS to remove any disk I/O access. It is far faster than SSDs. A tutorial would be simple ("disable Virtual Memory" and "use built-in RAM Disk system or 3rd party solution"), and this is something you CANNOT do in, say, OS X, because there's no option that I know of to disable VM and, even if there is some hidden way, I doubt it would be stable. (Windows is similar, but you can disable it, although it is a bit convoluted, and the OS screams at you if you try to do this, as do other people online, but it worked just fine for me. Using a RAM disk though necessarily requires a 3rd party solution, and there's the general Windows headache of assigning drive letters etc., but none of that PITA BS applies to OS 9.)
Another OS 9 pitch: Snappy fast, zero bloat, no BS. Maybe could even call it the anti-bullshit OS. It IS a generally-accurate statement. Although admittedly it can be antiquated having to manually allocate memory for programs that don't do it automatically, in particular if your monitor is much bigger than what devs expected in the '90s. (Incidentally, apparently MachTen is one of those few programs that will keep dynamically adjusting it for you?)
System backups? Copy+paste your system folder. THE END. Now try doing that with Windows and others, then see how it goes. Even OS X will require more caution than this AFAIK.
Crazy-good compatibility? Run software from 1984 (even 1983 if you include some special software) to 2005-ish or, if you look at the "Mac OS renaissance" today, things like a ChatGPT client and other new software written just now in 2024? So 1984-2024+ software portfolio? We can literally tell people "JOIN THE RENAISSANCE".
Software ranging from System 1 to Mac OS 9.2.2? And it is not visually broken like even OS X 10.3 Panther / 10.4 Tiger are when running them? And that too assuming it CAN be run in ANY OS X version at all? Where is Diablo 1 and Escape Velocity running on even OS X 10.2 Jaguar, which had better so-called "Classic" than 10.3 and 10.4?
Miss UNIX and other POSIX? Try Power MachTen. Need GPU acceleration on it? No worries, Power MachTen ships with the Conix OpenGL add-on, for which we have a registration code in the Garden. Still not good enough? Try MacRelix. ToolDaemon. Even MPW. Shoving a tiny NetBSD install or the like on VirtualPC is also always an option.
What else? Cohesive, coherent, visually-illustrative, modular OS like no other? Not backdoored into oblivion like Windows, GNU/Linux and OS X? Cooperative multitasking = less wasted CPU cycles for when you want to run one specific program (due to no preemptive overhead, as computing is not magic nor miraculous), and/or a set of programs coded to work cooperatively = faster OS than all those that don't adopt this multitasking model? Preemptively-multitasking "Pink" API still available since OS 8.6 for anyone wanting to make such programs? Respectable memory protection since OS 9.1? Compatible with really damn good hardware that holds up well even today with the likes of a dual 2.0GHz G4? The list goes on-- each one of these points can be picked up and expanded upon. Any volunteers?
I might volunteer for one or two of these... *ahem*
Does any of this help for ideas?