Well surprisingly in this particular instance and more
specifically; for those seeking to downgrade the
firmware in their M-Audio 410’s in order to use them
with OS 9… there is still another option...
other than Hotline or Gopher.
M-Audio’s Support Knowledge Base@
https://m-audio.com/support/drivers EXAMPLE:
So of the six primary M-Audio files mentioned in this
thread, there is perhaps a more direct route for the file
fw410 10013 cd.exe
Firewire 410 v1.0.1 build3 driver
FireWire OSX 1.5.3
FireWire OSX 1.9.3
Also mentioned:
FireWire OSX 1.6 Build 1174 (Audiophile & FireWire 410)
https://m-audio.com/support/download/drivers/firewire-osx-1.6-build-1174AND: FWUni OS9 1.0.4 b42 install
But all are not necessary depending upon your
specific OS / M-Audio device / or one’s chosen
firmware downgrade approach. (There’s even an
OMS2_3_8.sit file available for OS 9 there.)