Would the M2 13" MBP be ok?
1. 13" display might turn out to be too small for Logic.
2. When it comes to audio, Apple Silicon is uncharted waters.
Hoping to come in around a $1000 for the interfaces and preamps..
Logic is $199 on the App Store..
..I'm hoping to come in around $2800 to make the old man happy
Does it all has to be new and shiny?
If you ask me, that's money spent on the wrong end.
What's most important tool for the musician? Right, his instrument.
What's next important tool, if he wants to record himself as realistically as possible and if he's not just MIDI keyboard player? Microphone(s)!
Then come microphone preamp(s).
Then A to D converters (interface).
And only then computer and software.
Given the 2.8k budget, this is what I would do.
1. I would buy used, early version of Metric Halo ULN-8 (with Firewire). It was one of the best in its day and had all bells and whistles. And it was expensive. Used around 1.5k or so.
https://mhsecure.com/metric_halo/products/press-releases/267-metric-halo-introduces-uln-8-flagship-converterprocessorpreampinterface.htmlHigh caliber pro's still use it to this day.
2. I would still recommend used MacMini, if the rig doesn't have to be moved around. Not later than 2012 model, because of upgradeability, or better yet, the 2011 model with onboard graphics card. Upgrade it with 2 SSD drives and 16GB of RAM. $100+/- plus drives and RAM.
3. Buy a decent monitor. Or two.
4. If it has to be moved around, buy old-ish MacBook Pro equipped with Firewire.
5. If you want it all, get the same age Mac Pro.
6. Start with simple software. Garage Band, Cubasis ... something like that. Upgrade to full blown stuff only when you/he have mastered the simpler things.
7. Still have some $$ in the pocket.