Is it alright if we impose and ask if, sometime, you could kindly search for it, copy it and upload it here?
as annoying as it is for some of you, but if it is allowed i would like to point you to our wonderful hotline server to download peak from there.
that is basically why we run it.
we can add whatever anyone asks for, but it does not make too much sense to add it one by one
If not, that's ok, too, we don't want to burden others with these requests.
that is why i upload a good handful of additional files, that we do not have to discuss every single request of a new member and then end up with files cluttered around in various places in the forum.
however, we do not yet have an official request procedure. one way i used in the past is to let guests upload empty upload folders with the name of what they want into the hotline site.
using the web forum for discussing filesharing is not ideal - but using the hotline BBS to communicate there is also not ideal. so to have this directly in the file section probably can make the most sense for us.
i am going to add an "upload/download" helpfile right into the filesection soon, maybe i should integrate that "request" thing too already.
how bout we make a weekend where we hang out with tibooks and beer and image those cdrs for
as a real collector you definetly want an original CD, dont you?

for the operation of the app you do not need it, 2.6 is "trial & patch"
your SDII plug-ins are also waiting for you in the file section since a month.
let us know if you need help with downloading - only if you guys ask we can learn what newbies might need to know.