One thing to keep an eye on is also Virtual Server, a product Connectix made, but did not release before Microsoft bought them. Then Microsoft released it, I think only for Windows. It has had additions like VPC, and they are usually compatible with VPC. In fact, the GNU/Linux additions from that page seem to have come from Virtual Server.
Let us know if you test the GNU/Linux additions?
Definitely I test, but don't hold your can take I give first thoughts if somebody want to be faster than me.
And It seems that there is some differences between VPC and Virtual Server.
from readme.txt:
"Virtual Server emulates Adaptec AIC7870 virtual SCSI adapter
The graphical installation process for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will fail because it requires 24-bit video support which Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 does not support."
VPC emulates IDE-adapter as it was Intel TX-motherboard (VPC1-3) or Intel BX-motherboard(VPC4-6) not SCSI adapter.
VPC support 24-bit video.
btw. readme.txt has good information for install Linux even that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5:
"entering the following command after booting off the installation media: linux text"
and you configure XWindow to work after installation. readme.txt has info how to modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/inittab
those informations might help with any Linux installation in VPC.
Those additions seems to be Linux kernel version 2.6 and readme.txt has info if you use them with kernel version 2.4.
And then comes question what Linuxes has those kernel:
Red Hat Linux 7-9 has kernel 2.4, you can still find them here: that Red Hat spitted to commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux and free Fedora Linux.
Fedora Linux 1 has kernel 2.4 and Fedora Linux 2-15 has kernel 2.6.
LBA-Linux, interesting Red Hat Linux variant from 2005, might also be good choise for test: 3.1-6 has kernel 2.4-2.6...but when
I tested Debian 5-6 I can't install in VPC, so hard to test additions by me. btw. Good Linux guru might install them.
Installing additions needs install RPM-package manager (from manual of VPC4), by default Debian doesn't install it.
But I somebody want help, there is long list of Linuxes, but no list witch have version that have kernel version 2.4-2.6: before we can test additions, we have to install Linux and RPM-package it would be nice that somebody else want also test another Linux variants,
if you aren't Linux expert it might be good to start Linuxes that has RPM-package manager by default: remember Virtual PC 1-3 support only floppy boot (like real PC in that time), so you have to make first boot floppy to install from CD-ROM. Old Linuxes has that option.
and Virtual PC 4-6 for Mac OS 9 doesn't support boot from DVD-ROM so you have use CD-ROM images (or real CD-ROMs).
Funny (or not so funny) that writing this take so much time that I have not right now time to test those additions today. So it is easy to be faster than me.
EDIT: and good choise for test is also Ubuntu Linux 8.04-11.04 these have interesting Wubi installation option that means that you start install from VPC with WinXP installation and that is not as bad it sounds.