For the Mac Mini G4 Hacked ISO v8, the mouse cursor may freeze sometimes right after booting Mac OS 9. Since you can’t reboot without the mouse, you would have to force power off the Mac Mini G4. Instead of doing this, which can mess up the Mac OS 9 partition, you can create an Apple Script Application that reboots the Mac. Then set this to a Hot Key Function in Mac OS 9. Now when this happens, you can just press F1 to reboot correctly.
First we will make the Apple Script Application. All it will do is tell Finder to restart. Open Apple Script Editor, and put in the following to the blank window:
tell application “Finder”
end tell
Then go to the menu bar and click File. Click Save As, and change the format to Application. You also need to uncheck Never Show Startup Screen. Now save the file anywhere you’d like. After that, you can quit the Apple Script Editor.
Now you can set a Hot Key Function to your Apple Script Application. Click the Apple Logo in the menu bar, go to Control Panels, then Keyboard. Click Hot Function Keys... . Make sure both check marks under Hot Function Key Settings are checked. Click F1 and assign it to the Apple Script Application made previously.
To test it out, press F1. Now you have the ability to safely reboot if the mouse cursor freezes right after booting. Maybe this could be implemented in a future ISO.