not sure how to do that with no eject button. (but see? there is the reason why his idea ist useful)
i´ve been using mac keyboards with windows PCs but never the other way round.
Here's a safer version of the script with your suggestions (not sure on how to turn off hot function keys automatically, there is no Apple Script Dictionary for the Keyboard Control Panel).
display dialog "Do you wanna reboot?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "Yes"
if result = {button returned:"Yes"} then
tell application "Finder" to restart
else if result = {button returned:"No"} then
display dialog "Do you wanna open the Keyboard Control Panel to disable Hot Function Keys?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "No"
if result = {button returned:"Yes"} then
tell application "Keyboard" to activate
end if
end if