On the flip side, I didn't find ANY scsi sample transfer on Win platform, I tried all I could find, there was always some problem, so I moved to 68k Mac and BINGO! problem solved all my wave data transfers are via Mac scsi
id be interested to know a bit more about which hardware combinations u did try (synth-sampler / cpu / mb chipset / scsi component) and using which versions of windows (win3.11, win95, win95osr2, win98, win98se, winme, win2k, winxp) also which filesystem (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) + amount of ram..
scsi must work with windows theres got to be a reason you somehow overlooked.. the one thing macs had up on pcs
was consistancy with hardware parts + software... pcs were always collections of random equipment put together by random people in random configurations that could never be as extensively tested as macs.. so unless u live in a parallel dimension where microsoft actually made its own hardware + software combinations.. theres no way to foresee the possible hardware or software conflicts.. then again u have the big pc makers, compaq, dell, gateway but they usually never came with high end or quality parts that you really wanted. but they must have had working scsi.
i can see it being some type of lesser known/documented issue that needs to be manually corrected. such as adjusting the parallel mode in bios to epp 1.7 vs epp 1.9 mode to get midi to work over parallel with a motu midi interface. before this change.. it simply doesnt work.. there must be a reason.. there usually is a real reason why things dont work. 99.9% of the time.. even if u arent aware.. chances are someone else is aware and knows the fix