Protools5LEGuy I didn't really understand what meant re having both machines going to the same router... the G4 isn't hooked up to the internet and I'd rather it not be... wouldn't it be simpler to use cable adapters to directly connect it to the MacBook Pro?
Is the MBP connected to internet via WIFI? Then it
could share its internet (From WIFI to the Ethernet port) and be connected with an ethernet cable to the QS.
Then you run VNC server on Mac OS 9. And VNC Viewer on Mac OS X. You will have an scalable "
digital" screen on the MBP that would let you tweak things on the OS9 Cubase.
Capturing the video and use a software to watch the capture uses
way more CPU cycles on the MBP than the VNC server+VNC viewer. Also, the quality of the image is worst, via converting VGA to Composite/Component to analog and digitize it. It also should have more latency, that is almost nothing using VNC.
I would say to get an hdmi capture usb card for that MacbookPro and to use the dvi-d output on that G4.
The HDMI capture usb card cost 500X more than the cost of an ethernet cable.
I would not do that unless planning to make a HUGE $$$ retro-DAW youtube channel.
Yes, that would be another way to do it. Kinda junk though because I often like to play along with MIDI tracks while I search the web (and watch tv and eat a sandwich). Also, I really like the app Midipipe, which is OS X only and for a certain style of playing I need to put the track I'm playing live through that so I do need to use OS X and OS 9 at the same time.
I use Spaces in Snow with F13 key or Center mouse button to call it. One Space is for PT 10 and other for the VNC machines. Quickest way to change from 9 to X
The KVM solution mentioned by GaryN is valid but slower, since you have to take your hands from your instrument or the Keyboard and Mouse to the switch of the KVM and back.