ok first of all
make sure to install stuffit 7.0.3 (
to ensure no problems with stuffit incompatibilities
after thats installed
if u return to the original web.archive post
and download the file, u will get "pluggo3s.bin"
if u click this file and press applekey/CMD-U (shortcut installed by stuffit 7.0.3)
this should decode the fine from macbinary to be the installer file
which will appear with an icon for the VISE installer
(purple diamond icon)
there are alot of small undocumented things on this site that are
regularly tripping people up.. this is one of them i think that people are unaware that they have to process
these .bin files the same way as they would a stuffit (.sit) file by running stuffit expander, even tho what
stuffit actually ends up doing is not unstuffing but decoding the macbinary format out into a normal mac os file
another thing that can trip some people up is the download links... trying to click "Save as" results in downloadng a 6k
html file rather then attachment.. i do this alot by accident so i know there must be some other people doing this aswell
it would be helpful if this had some reminder not to try to "save as" on the download link
anyway.. let us know how u make out with the pluggo install